Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just Pictures

This is my first full week back to work since being a woman of leisure all Summer. I have been busy. I have a lot of work to do to prepare for Fall and Winter. I have not yet begun but I'm ready. Maybe this weekend. This is my birthday weekend. Since I will be at work on my birthday I will likely do something to celebrate this weekend. No huge plans for my 50th birthday. Could you believe it when you turned 50? It went so fast. It didn't seem fast when I was living life. Now it seems like the years go by so fast. I never thought I would be thinking of retirement in the future. I thought that's for other people. I used to be one of the youngest employees on my job but not anymore. When I do retire I believe I will be ready although I do enjoy working and keeping my mind busy and helping others. It feels good to know that in my life I have helped and made a difference in many lives. It's the small things that mean a lot to people like treating people with dignity and respect. 

I am actually thinking of moving or buying another home in Georgia close to my mother in the next few years. Is that what happens when you turn fifty? When I told my daughter she said, "but you hate Georgia, you hate the heat, you love snow." Things change, I am ready for solitude, peace, tall pine trees, a slower pace. I am blooming where I'm planted but I am seriously thinking of what I need to do to make this possible soon.

I had a before the birthday houseplant shopping spree and bought several houseplants. I bought a peace Lilly in full bloom, 2 split leaf philodendrons, and another plant. I'm not sure of its name but it's a real common plant. I hope they make it until Spring, early preparation for Fall and Winter, something to look at green while I am house bound from the cold and snow! Well I will post some old pictures starting with a view from my bathroom window last Fall. I look forward to seeing the leaves turn color soon.

Outside my bathroom window.
The yard, lots to rake up.

Common name Mexican sunflower. I grew this from seed. It grew real tall over 5 feet. The bees loved them.
Isn't the bee beautiful?
Aren't the colors beautiful? This was from the flower bed in my yard 3 years ago. This was my first attempt at gardening in the yard.
Coleus that I grew from seeds, caladium, impatiens, huchera, hyacinth bean vine, gerbera daisy, and sedum.
I made this planter. Sure saved me some money from ordering one. What one can do with some plywood and screws! The next time I make one I would like a better type of wood like cedar which is hard to find.
First attempt at growing veggies. I had 2 cucumbers that grew up the side of the house before I had vinyl siding applied. One day I will have to show you the before and after. I had 1 patio tomato. I wouldn't grow this again. I know I didn't have a big space but this was a really small plant with little yield. I had one strawberry that I never harvested strawberries from because the birds or squirrels got to them before I did. Finally I had 1 eggplant. It also grew smaller eggplants and was for container gardening. This was a lot for such a small space but not for square foot gardening.
The large brown container is out in front of the house now. The clay pot is a Lilly that my sister gave me. I showed it in pictures this Summer now much larger. I didn't put anything in the two planters near the wall this year. Too much to keep up with. Maybe next Spring.

This was the 2nd brown planter I now have outside in the front of the house.
I love cut flowers. If only I could grow my own.
Aren't they beautiful.

Sunflowers are spectacular. The center looks like an eye.

No arrangement complete without Christmas.
Spring bulbs on my porch from this past Spring. 
Some seedlings from last Spring. Of course pansies to go out.

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