Sunday, April 27, 2014

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Looking at my flower bed brings me pleasure knowing I don't have much to do to maintain it. Each year there is less to do with the bed because most of the plants are perennial. There is little space for annuals. I'll add 1-2 more perennials and there won't be space for anything else unless something dies like the sweet broom I planted last spring. It was beautiful and hardy in my zone but with the exceptional winter we had, it din't make it. Neither did the lavender. I haven't seen my echinacea yet. I had 2, one pink and one yellow. Balloon flower also has yet to show it's face. I like them so I hope they didn't die. Perennials can possibly live for years. I hope this is not the year mine don't come back.
The purple plant is catmint. I've been wanting one and was surprised to see it at the garden center. It takes the place of the sweet broom srub. Sedum is starting it's annual spread and will soon flower. The coreospis is up as well as the other type of sedum on the right. 
Nothing like red tulips. I pulled most form last year and planted more. I noticed that the older ones flop and have huge leaves the second year. It seems wasteful to throw them out every year and plant new ones unless of course they stop blooming.
Poppies still growing and coral bell increasing in size. I really need to know the name of the shrub.

I planted these 2 years ago. This is the first year they actually look like grape hyacinths. The large leaves of last years tulips could not stop it's show.
Last years home grown lamb ear.
Sorry the pictures aren't good. I really didn't come out for a picture taking session but when I saw all the colors and blooms I went to get my camera but I didn't take the time to capture what I could have if I took my time. When I take a picture, I want to capture what I see. The beauty of the flowers. How the light shines on them, a droplet of water, a resting insect. If I take my time the flowers look spectacular with the right light and positioning and I can look back and see them as I saw them with my eye. The camera can actually capture it. I am still amazed what an inexpensive digital camera can do. This year it would be nice to get a good camera. Maybe with monetary gifts for my birthday.

The trellis and 2 blue sky seedlings will go here as soon as these have finished their show. I also have a helenium from a bare root waiting on my porch to plant. It's already growing nicely.
I still have to top off the flower bed with some fresh soil and manure and finally mulch.

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