Sunday, November 5, 2017

Saturday-Forcing Hyacints and Paper Whites

Three paper whites from the kit I bought from Home Depot.

The paper whites from Dutch Bulbs are larger than the ones from the kit. On the right Dutch Bulb, on the left store bought one from the kit. Paper whites from the nursery last year were much larger than these but I din't buy any because I had trouble forcing them. Think they should have been planted outdoors.

Added water to cover up to the basal plate but not touching the water and onto the shelf. Place them pointed side up. Roots develop from the basal plate. I prefer to force them in water inside instead of soil to avoid fungus gnat indoors during the winter. I don't save them after blooms because they wont bloom again for a couple of years if planted outdoors after forcing. Gnats love peat. Haven't seen any flying or crawling around my house plants but it's early. The rest will wait on the unheated porch till I want to force more.

Hyacinth Shades of Blue from Longfield Gardens. They're nice and healthy although not large. I'll have to search around to see what company has larger hyacinth bulbs.

Last years bulb forcing containers. The smallest one obviously not large enough for all the roots hyacinths make. Different containers can be used as long as it has a neck to hold the bulb and the bulb doesn't sit in water because it'll rot. 

I left the vases in the box they came in. Added water and placed one in each. The box was perfect because I can keep reusing it and it has the paper separator for each vase. I closed the top for the recommended darkness but left it slightly open to allow air to circulate and prevent mold. Now I have to wait 8-16 weeks of cooling before I start bringing them into the house to bloom. The chill period was slightly different at different sources I looked at with chill periods from 8-16 weeks. Too early and the blooms will be short and won't open fully like mine did last season. Keep saying I'll start early every year but these didn't arrive until Friday. Next season if I plan on starting earlier I won't order from Dutch Bulbs because they shipped them in November. A good start time is October so you'll have blooms earlier than the end of January or February. Old House Gardens has good information on forcing bulbs and also Brent and Becky's Book on forcing bulbs. Check the bulbs periodically for root growth and to see if the water needs changing. Sometimes it gets smelly. 

Made progress starting to get the house ready for Thanksgiving dinner and guest. Changed the curtains to heavier ones. And soaked the bind in the bath tub to clean all years dust from it. It makes such a difference.

The curtains are bit heavier with a block out lining that make the living room dark. So I always put a lighter curtain underneath so they can be pulled back during the day to let in light. I love sun shining in during the day and added warmth at night when they're pulled to close. The house is starting to look nicer. Moved the furniture to sweep the dust and cat hair. Decluttered the living room and started on the dining room. Today I'll mop and wax the floors and maybe start some seeds, make a green salad for lunch next week, and bake some banana bread. And I'm working on the laundry. Getting excited about my seeds and seeing the first one emerge from the soil. We'll see. Have a beautiful day.

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