Sunday, December 3, 2017

On The Porch And...

After getting out of bed this morning couldn't wait to go onto the porch to see if any my treat was eaten. What's the matter with the squirrels? I thought this would be a feast for them. Lets see what happens. I may put half in the yard. Those squirrels know what to do. I've spotted the ones out front with sweet potatoes and other scavenged food running up the tree. They don't like corn!

She couldn't wait to get onto the porch while I hung garland around the door and planted bulbs. I bet the squirrels know bulbs are in the flower bed. Mulch will be all over the ground tomorrow as they try to get around the chicken wire. 

It's 50 degrees today on the porch.

Thought my hydrangea was dead. Some of the blooms are done but I watered it and when I rotated the plant, I saw a new bloom.

Yes the foil wrapper should be removed but I keep it on the insulation helps on an unheated porch. I just have to be careful not to over water and have the roots wet or they'll rot. I don't over water them it's almost winter.

The kolanche are really pretty.

Beautiful but not scented.

Martha Washington pelargonium on the floor. I was going to throw it out but it's hard to find in the nursery. If I do it's only a small pot for a large price. I'll eventually trim and clean her up by spring.

Small pot of salvaged pansies. Most of them outside didn't do well this fall.

Time to check the hyacinths. I'll check the one in the basement another day.

It's doing nicely and making lots of roots.

Now this is a problem. No room to grow. I'll have to change the container.

It's growing nicely, still firm, no mold, and not smelly.

The vase is too tall for the box. I'll make it fit and it'll have to do.

Still have to plant these in the window boxes maybe, my parent's grave, and in some pots for the steps outdoors, and some for the porch in spring.

Gerbera daisy stands up to the cold. We've have frost and 20 degree nights but everything on the porch has been living thus far without heat including my Thanksgiving cactus and impatiens although they stopped blooming. I may bring them inside and hang them in the window for winter blooms.

Inside getting warm.

Amaryllis Marilyn started getting taller this weekend. Maybe I will have blooms by Christmas.

Have to find a place for her out of reach from the cat. The berries are poisonous for animals. My Callie came to sniff it and was told to stop.

Her favorite spot, the bathtub drinking water. I have to turn the water on for her every day. Like she doesn't have 2 water bowls. There's something about that dripping water.

My sister insulted her on Thanksgiving and said she should be on the fat cat show. She doesn't like my sister, Lol. Till next time.

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