Friday, January 12, 2018

Pelargoniums, Echinacea, Violas & Vinca Germinating

Echinacea Prairie Splendor started germinating in 3 days.

Maverick Salmon Pelargonium.

Nano Salmon Pelagoniums were the first to germinate in 2 days.

Vincas started germinating in 3 days. Planted last Sunday.
These are also vinca. That one has stretched. I planted 2 trays of them.

Maverick Scarlet Pelargonium. Still more to come up from 10 seeds planted.

One seed of Echinacea Purpera germinated since last night. None of the White Swam have germinated yet.

Poor begonias. Lets see if I end up with 1 seedling.

Afraid to touch the foxgloves but they should be removed.

Can you see any violas or pansies? There are several although tiny. I took them out of the refrigerator last week and they started to germinate on the coffee filters until I had time to plant them last Sunday. A mess. So tiny. Will never do that again. I scrapped them off the filter and scrapped them off my hands onto the top of the soil and lightly covered them. After all that trauma I didn't think any would actually germinate. I'll see how they do in a few days. They're sitting in a cool window seal. One five inch pot of snapdragons and foxgloves are in the kitchen window. No germination yet. I have to remember to check them every day to make sure they don't dry out. That's the problem with me putting trays on window seals. I forget them.

Paper whites still living. I still have to plant the last few till next fall.

Hyacinth hasn't opened yet but look it's taking time to grow a baby on the side. The others are still in my basement.

It's seed starting time gardeners. Last night I ordered some plants from Select seeds and 3 packs of seeds from Johnnie Seeds. I want to see what all the hype is regarding how sweet Sun Gold tomatoes are and I haven't seen starter plants for them in the local nursery. My final seed order will probably be from Prairie Moon Nursery for native seeds and zinnia from Baker Creek. I love the seeds from Baker Creek. The last time I bought seeds they germinated well and did excellent. Dahlia seeds from them did real well and the plants grew so healthy. That was a few years ago and I haven't tried them since. I have old seed from them to still use. I'm excited about the new season. What about you?

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