Thursday, April 19, 2018

Poor Plants

I went to Home Depot after work to get some potting mix. I felt bad for the plants. Today was cold and windy. Impatiens, petunias, other spring annuals and racks of plants sat outdoors in the cold. Many won't make it. Tomatoes, peppers and plants that don't go out until it get warmer shivered. I laughed at another blogger who posted about plants in her home waiting patiently to go outdoors. Maybe in June. Philadelphia is also waiting. Putting hyacinth bean vine, nasturtiums, and Cyprus vine on my sun porch was okay the first night but they started to complain after too many nights in the 30's and I brought them in today. Some now sit on the table next to the sofa. Every plant is trying to find a spot until they can go outdoors. Even foxgloves that are perennial are complaining. Tonight they went in a box to give them some insulation till morning. The trill is gone with these seedlings and I can't wait to get them outside.

All the plants from Select Seeds were a good size except for the butterfly weed which looks dormant and is just starting to raise from the soil. They were the best packaged seedlings I've ever received. Not one grain of soil was spill from any plant and all were moist and didn't need watering. No leaves or branches were broken.

One verbascum seedling.

Black eye Susan vine took a long time to emerge.

I ordered 2 tobacco plants. These are my tobacco jasmine seedlings.

The lettuce is big enough to separate.


Bought another Ti Plant. Killed one last winter.

Removed the seedlings I received yesterday to the plant shelf. The begonia has large leaves already and is a hardy one for my region and will return.

They were packaged nicely and each plant was snapped into place.


Containers some came in. Think I'll keep them for planting seedlings.

Tobacco Jasmine


Honey Suckle

Clematis. Now to keep them alive until it's warm enough to plant them.

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