Wednesday, July 18, 2018

In The Neighborhood

Haven't done this in a while. Arthritis has made it difficult to take daily walks. How life can change suddenly but I have to adjust to it. Lots of people deal with arthritis and worse things. I try to remind myself of this. It could be worse. Today is beautiful. The temperature and humidity dropped after our storms and rain yesterday. I couldn't let this day pass and not be outdoors enjoying it. Lets take a walk in the neighborhood and see what's in bloom.

After an errand along my walk I passed this planting at Germantown Friends School. It's beautiful this year.

Coneflowers are beautiful.

They were filled with all types of bees and insects. Do you see the butterfly?


I think it's yarrow.

Bee Balm

Looks like salvia but I think it's hyssop.


I always liked this house. It was restored and now part of a school.

After my errand I sat to rest before walking to the community garden.

Under the canopy of a tree.

My seat on this stone wall where many people sit to wait for the bus or rest like me.

My father spent the last days of his life in the nursing home across the street to the left. The grounds are pretty with trees, flowers, and wildlife. Plum trees were filled with plums in the summer. Sometimes he would let us bring him outside to sit under the trees. I think of him every time I drive pass the building. Thank God he no longer needs care and is with the Father in his final home

Rest period over. Lets get moving.

I remembered when neighbors had this planting done. The shrubs were tiny but now have matured in only a couple of years.

We've arrived at the community garden.

Looks like someone is trying to get rid of weeds with cardboard.

Is this milk weed? I know the pictures aren't clear.

Fig Tree

A better picture. Is it milkweed?

Phlox and Rose of Sharon

I never go inside since I'm not a member or have a plot at this garden. We have another neighborhood one that I've been thinking about joining. They usually have open plots and it's a nice garden. Commitment to it would be required and so far I have enough to take care of. It would be nice for vegetables and a fresh flower cutting garden. Maybe one summer soon.

Rose of Sharon

Bee Balm

Looks like onions, greens, kale, tomatoes, and possibly lettuce although I'm surprised it hasn't bolted.

Another fig tree.

Fig tree on the left. Raspberries on the right.

The sky is clear today with few clouds.


Time to walk home.

Those are nice.

I always look to see the sunporch. This is the first time I've taken a picture of it.

Trinity Lutheran Church. The trees were beautiful this spring when in bloom.

I like this door for my porch.

House I like in the neighborhood.

Looks like the type of honeysuckle I have. Maybe mine  will do something the second year.

Didn't know sedum would do good in dappled shade.

Black eyed Susan's in the church yard.

Lets look at those window  hayrack baskets.

Nice gate.

Nasturtiums. Why can't mine grow like that? The other basket is looking like my petunias in my sun window box. Dried up in the sun. Next year is a new year.

Weeds can be so pretty. Who says it's a weed. It could be a native wild flower growing beautifully in the cracks. Sorry for the blurry picture but I couldn't go back and take the picture again. Maybe tomorrow on my walk. It's supposed to be beautiful for the next 3 days.

Grumblethorpe. They've had some nice events this summer that I haven't gotten to including gardening classes. I regret missing them and as close to home as possible. I can walk across the street here. We still have all summer.

Back at home dahlia has bloomed. The first. Next year I'll buy shorter ones that don't take up too much space. My flower bed looks horrible between the daisies and dahlias taking over the bed. I need a new plan next year.

Dahlia foliage looks horrible but the flowers, beautiful. I hope you enjoyed our walk.

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