Saturday, October 6, 2018


Back to the nursery today to buy the mammoth amaryllis. Never heard of a mammoth amaryllis before today but have seen huge ones forced in the nursery greenhouse during the winter and was amazed at the size and blooms. I have to stay out of the nursery. Today was a lovely day spent walking around looking at the fall decorations, then inside the store where I bought 1 amaryllis, small pots for seedlings, and saffron bulbs for my brother. He always spends a lot for a tiny amount of saffron to go into paella at Christmas.  Maybe if he can harvest some in spring he'll have some for another dish in spring. If the squirrels don't get to it first. I'll tell him to plant it in a pot with  a screen to keep out the critters.

Today was plant hospital day. Trimmed brown tips off and picked off dead leaves of pothos, dracaena, and zz plant. Tomorrow maybe I'll tend to the African violets so I can get them to bloom this winter. Next Saturday the African Violet Society has a show and plant sale. Maybe I'll go. I have 2 tall  crown of thorn plants in the bathroom that are growing taller and taller. Don't know what to do with them. They bloom all year in the window. I'm late starting hyacinth bulbs for forcing. Maybe next year I'll locate a mail order nursery that'll send them out in September so I can have something fragrant and in bloom at Christmas. The ones I want to force from Color Blends won't arrive until the end of October. That's okay for fall planting in the ground but not early enough for Christmas blooms.

I trimmed her. She's not looking pretty but hopefully will grow more unblemished leaves. I also put pea gravel under the container and added a little water for humidity. Maybe that'll stop the tips from turning brown. The ones in the greenhouse at the nursery didn't have brown tips probably from all of the humidity. It's nice to be there as they tend the plants, watering and pampering them. I moved the zz plant to the table. It's usual spot was the window in filtered light which it seemed to love. I may move it back there this winter. It has grown new branched though since I moved her.

Trimmed but not as pretty.

Moved the amaryllis from my plant shelf to this corner not the basement this year. I just stopped watering them so they can rest until they indicate they want to bloom again.

Waiting for my daughter to comment on too many plants. She gave me the gift card. What did she think I'd buy?

Yes I also brought fresh flowers. Some for home, and a vase for work.

I'll take this one to work for my desk. Something to brighten up my day.

Did I take enough pictures of them? I'll see you tomorrow and show you my pansies and my pumpkin. Remember I told you about the squirrels eating my Indian corn. After I took the corn inside they started on my pumpkin. I could hurt them. No wouldn't do that.. I finally found a pansy color I like and they look healthy not too leggy or half dead.

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