Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Beauty of Autumn

If I could have only one flower in my garden it would be white daisies.
It's time to rake the leaves. My daughter was overjoyed because my nephew is visiting. She said, "did you tell Lamar to get dressed so he can help you in the yard." It was her chance not to help.

We have more leaves this year than last. I raked 2 bags last year and today we stuffed and squeezed to get them in 3. Leaves were falling like snow as we raked and the ground was covered again when I looked down from a upstairs window. It's been a beautiful fall, just beautiful. Our weather has been so warm. This time last year we had snow. On Thanksgiving morning snow covered the ground. Today impatiens are still living and green.
The parsley obviously is loving the weather and as I've seen, enjoys cooler temperatures.

We pulled the elephant ear today. It was pretty this season and hopefully will return in splendor next summer.

Squirrels have torn the frost cover again.
Didn't get lettuce for Thanksgiving but maybe one romaine loose leaf soon.

A lot of the leaves were eaten but I don't see anything. I used some dust on the leaves then forgot to cover them when I finished. I guess they'll all be dug up tomorrow when I go out to cover them.

What is that on the leaf? Genetic defect or what? Looks like the head forming on the leaves or bugs.

My leaves for leaf mold.
Elephants ear pulled. I'll cut and take it in later.
To be emptied and put inside till spring.
I put dust on the coral bell, one of 3 bought this season.

Heuchera normally get eaten but 2 of 3 have survived.
The soil is rich when it's not July and powderly like sand. One of my jobs this winter is to cut some of the exposed roots from the Norway Maples.

Hope the hydrangea come back. I'm going to leave the leaves on it for some protection.
It's been so warm the asiatic lilies haven't lost their foliage yet. I may put these in the basement because they were so pretty this summer and I'd hate to have them die in the container. I could always dig them up.
We burned this off in the yard.

My nephew Lamar my helper. Maybe now I can get some bulbs planted but first I want to look in the bags from last years leaves and see what it did. Hopefully it'll add some amendments to the soil along with some manure and a fresh coat of soil. See you on the weekend for bulb planting.

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