Sunday, July 26, 2020

In the Mist of Summer

Sunflower seed heads that haven't been in bloom very long have already produced seeds as the petals fall to the ground. Birds have already been pecking at the seed head to see if they're ready as the head has holes where seeds were. Red berries on the native honeysuckle have been found or did birds already know, watching from a distance until they were ready. I think they did because as they turned bright red there was a feast. My daughter, sitting on the porch said, "mom every bird in the neighborhood is on your honeysuckle." By the time I came out to take pictures the birds were gone. Maybe I'll catch them soon for a picture. Don't know what type of birds they were. Her description of the birds were big and grey with white under sides. Can't imagine what they were. Its been hot in Philly and we've finally had some days of much needed rain. The garden is as always during the warmer months, trying to survive. Fall can't arrive soon enough. The end of mosquito's and spotted lantern flies. Leaves falling, a cool breeze, pumpkins, gourds, and pansies.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Sunflower

In the mist of another heat wave, sunflowers bloom. Out front this afternoon to water my flowers with the water collected from water dripping from the condensation of the window unit air conditioner. Air conditioners don't look pretty in windows but wouldn't live without it in the heat and it solved the problem of lugging water through the house in a heavy watering can. Or I could pull the hose through the window. That seems such a chore. But I have ordered a coiled hose for the yard and hopefully it can attach to my kitchen sink. My yard would never be the same with regular watering.

She opened. A pretty girl but not my favorite. Next year. I won't complain.

Enough lambs ears on one corner to fill the flower bed. May have to remove some they may cover my grape hyacinths in the spring.

Black eye Susan's are pretty this summer.

Thought they were new blooms on the native honey suckle but they're berries. Can't wait until they're ripe and the birds find them.

Really beautiful this year.

Bee balm being crowed out by the asters. 

Lady Bug. A spotted lantern fly met me this morning on my steps. I'm blessed that for some reason they didn't bother my garden in the yard or flower bed out front. My sister lives 5 minutes away and her yard, roses and flowers were infested with them. Her roses are always beautiful but not this year. She may have to pull them and start again.

Awaiting other sunflowers. They haven't developed heads yet.

What's doing on with my zinnias? No blooms forming yet.
Need to dead head some of the finished blooms on coreopsis so it'll stay in bloom.

Sunflowers are doing well but what happened to the zinnias planted in this container?

Wanted to show you a 10" sunflower in bloom but I think someone relieved me of it. This one will open soon. I actually like the tiny sunflowers. Will plant them again next year.

Ordered a support for the asters from Gardener's Supply although too late for this year. Once they flop they won't stand out as pretty. But I'll have it for next spring. I need to shear it. It's time consuming cutting each spent bloom. But I could save the seeds. Another day.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Summer Blooms

Gloriosa lilies are pretty in shades of yellow, orange, and red.
Don't remember buying or planting these. The first year for them. I love the yellow more than the other colors that have bloomed.

The lilies are over 6 feet.

Once again this summer my daughter asked if they could be cut to bring inside. Of course not. Unfortunately this is the only flower bed in the sun and the blooms are for us to look at and pollinators to enjoy. I actually avoid bringing them inside after learning they're very toxic and deadly if cats come in contact with them and the pollen. Had to stop buying them as cut bouquets for the vase. They're one of my favorites but I'll have to enjoy them out outside.

Balloon Flowers

I've never seen a dusty miller bloom. See closer picture below.

Some of the one foot sunflowers I sowed have heads.

Annual salvia and tiny blooms of asters and black eyed Susan just starting to bloom. No powdery mildew yet. Maybe it won't effect the annuals this year.

Sunflowers and zinnias. I hope the zinnias will get taller and bloom.

The largest sunflower about 4 feet so far.

Nasturtiums have been actively blooming since June although there's not a pretty bloom today.