Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Petals On The Wind

A day like today is meant to be spent outside. This is our second day of windy weather which I love. March blew in and it's making it's presence felt as it leaves. Trees dressed in their finest beckoned to me to.  I couldn't miss the show which will soon pass as petals fly in the wind landing in carpets of confetti on sidewalks.

Blooms from the magnolia.
The neighborhood community garden.

They have a lot of work to do.

The seedling. Sorry for poor pictures.

Sage looking awful but alive.
Starting to look like begonias. I overwatered them but hopefully they'll make it.

Trying to keep the gangly tomatoes alive.
Pelargoniums. I'm proud of them since I had such a hard time with some of the seeds this season.
A mess of Swiss Chard. Did you say, separate it?
They seem to grow every night and it looks like I have 3 dragon wing ones and maybe 2 bada bings.

Look at that broccoli. It's watered and quite alive but I have to put it outside and see if it'll make it.

I had never ordered from Gurney's because I was suspicious of what their live plants would look like. Took a chance in the fall and got a special and got a lot of plants for very little. The plants started arriving last week and don't look bad but of course they'll take a while to grow.
This is what I was doing before deciding to take a walk. Have you seen Gurney's seed catalogs. It's been beautified with nice pictures and glossy paper. I love to look at seed catalogs and if the pictures are nice that's a plus. That's a picture from the American Horticultural Society's Magazine. Don't think I'll renew my membership because I really don't use what it gives as perks except the magazine.

The Stokes catalog is also nice to look at this year, bright and colorful.

On the porch. Still waiting for those radishes.

Daffodil from out front. It had started to fall over so I'll enjoy it inside.

Look at Callie.
Five gallon bucket filled with cannas. My brothers coworker had buckets of them that he digs up every fall from his home and was giving them away at work. He's tired of digging them up. Some are huge and they look healthy. I'll give my sister most because she has more space and areas to plant.
Pampas grass from Gurney's. It'll take years, lol. The plants were packaged well with no soil in the box and the plants were moist and healthy.

Hardy crepe myrtle. What am I going to do with this? Those pre season sales can get me in trouble. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Don't regret the helleborus.

Dwarf key lime, meyer lemon, and orange trees arrived last week. I followed the instructions and watered and won't take them out of the pot for a week so they can adjust. They're bigger than I thought they'd be. Now I need to start reading about what type of soil and care each one needs. If others can raise them without green houses I can give it a try.

 And finally, got her to bloom again and not a short spike but a full spike. Didn't know it would bloom only months later as it was in bloom at Christmas time when I bought it.

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