Saturday, May 30, 2015

What Am I Up To Today

Actually staying home today on Saturday. This is not something I normally do, but since rain is expected all day tomorrow, I'm making an effort to get as many of my not yet planted purchases in the ground today. Hopefully the rain will give them a good soaking. Nothing can replace rain water. Flowers and plants seem to take off after a rain. Can't wait to finish planting everything so I can just sit back and enjoy. More like then I can start my summer projects like freshening up by doing some painting and getting so things out of the house and to the Goodwill. I'll show you what is in progress See you later with an update.

Dead pansies removed. The violas are still going and I couldn't remove them all. Some I saved for a pot in the yard.
They're beautiful and need to be deadheaded.

I added vinca, impatiens, sweet potato vine, and coleus.

On the step geraniums and coleus look picky but it's just spring.
I've finally learned how to take care of  gerbera  daisies. Give them lot of water but good drainage. I wait till they start to wilt so I know I'm not over watering. For me they like indirect light, although  this one is on the steps so it's gets a little more light than the ones I have on my porch.

I can be messy this is not bad yet. Time to add some summer annuals to the planter.
It's fully planted but I took pictures before I finished planting so there are still some empty spots.
Five coleus, 1 licorice plant, 2 impatiens, and one sweet potato vine. Asparagus fern and New Guinea impatiens were already in the container. I'm glad I found the licorice plant again this year. I tried seed in the fall with no success. I'm waiting on caladium and dwarf white canna to come up.

I love the grass. It's my favorite.

Sunflower seed my sister made me take. Hers self sow ever year and she has a lot she doesn't want. I had one here before. It was huge and the root huge.
I thought the whole thing was dying but it's put on new leaves. When I have time, I'll cut off the dead branches.

Gladiolus starting to come up. I've never had them. Narcissus dying foiliage.
Daylilly will soon bloom.
Black eye Susan vine. I also planted a bugainvilla vine.

That's my dahlia. It's getting taller and needs to be stalked.
The balloon flowers have really multiplied this year.
That's supposed to be an allium. Didn't even recognize it at first. What a waste of money.
Some allium. It'll have to do more than that for me to buy more of them.
Lambs ear is blooming again. It also has a disease starting again this year. If I remember I'll spray the plants out front tomorrow to hopefully prevent powdery mildew.

Another color other that red. I thought they would be pinker. Both types are very aeromatic.
The sedum bloomed.

My begonia is doing well. It's supposed to be on my porch. I lost the tag I taped on and didn't know what it was. Thought it was and outside bulb. I'm going to spray it and put it on the porch where I can really enjoy it when it gets bigger and blooms.
Time to get started in the yard. I'm going to stake the lilies.

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