Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Garden

Amazing what can be grown from seeds. Almost 5 feet. My babies will soon go. It would be nice if digitalis were perennial. But I have new seedlings I've been neglecting still under the plant light and never transplanted to separate containers. Soon, since I want them again next spring. I like the yellow ones and paler pink. Johnnies seeds have those that bloom the first year. I'll order a pack to start during the winter. They would be beautiful in my yard but the snails ate them after I planted them out back last spring. This time I'll add some Sluggo when I plant them out.

Okay, that's enough.

My job on Saturday morning was to hopefully improve how the flower bed out front looks. All the plants have taken over especially the Montauk daisy. I'll remove it and some ornamental grass and have room to plant more perennials that I enjoy. This picture was from early spring.

Goodbye daisy. I love daisies and had one in the same spot before that I removed after a few years. If only there was more space. They're so beautiful in the fall. But it had to go. Thought I'd be in the bed with sciatica when I finished pulling it up along with the grass but not so. They came out easier than expected. Now the fun part, planting my new purchases.

One poppy also removed. It was pretty but was taking up space and never multiplied.

I was frightened that it wasn't going to look good. What have I done!

Lets plant them. The joy of gardening is creating what ever you want.

How could that be an aster. But it is. Don't remember the leaves looking like this. I'm glad I didn't pull them up think they were weeds. One has started to bloom. I thought they only bloomed in the fall.

Planted 2 calendulas, 2 lambs ears, 1 black eyed Susan, 2 echinacea, 2 cosmos, 1 lantana, and 1 other annual I can't think of the name right now. Also 1 cat mint. I've quickly learned that calendula love water. Too much watering for me. Don't think I'll be planting that again.

Also planted 1 lavender. The pink one is cleome.

Yes I tied up the allium foliage. Don't want to hear it.

Balloon flower is out early this year.

High maintenance calendula.

I had 5 alliums by the time I realized someone had removed 3. Isn't that awful.


The second aster is starting to open. I think the other one is purple. We shall see. Purchased from the discount rack last fall. Can't wait to see what I find this year for so little money.

It actually turned out okay.

Not too happy with the pots on the sidewalk. I knew better than to buy petunias. Next year, vinca as usual. I may change them later if I find some discounted ones.

Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day. I did. Spent the day with my daughter. She took me to the nursery, my parents grave to visit and take flower, to my brother's to plant flowers, and out to dinner. And 2 of my favorite things, gift cards for books and Cold Stone Creamery. Did I tell you I was on a diet. After I use the gift card all summer.

Yes I ate It.

Some for me and some for Mom.

From Primex Nursery. Now to plant Solomon's Seal out back.

Sorry for any over exposed pictures.

Finally added hardy primroses. Look forward to seeing them again next spring.

Looks like it's lost more leaves that it has on it. Not good. Hope I kept the receipt.

I'll work on the eventually. I didn't show you the bulbs that were here. Not sure I liked them or want to keep them for next spring. I'll plant the bleeding heart and a elephant ear another day when the planter is in order.

Foliage from bulbs past bloom. Impatiens and vinca planted today.

One of many jobs to do in the yard this summer. Painting the railing after the old peeling paint is removed.

The small single eaten leaf is hardy begonia. Thought it wasn't coming back. It won't if something doesn't stop eating it.

Still living so far. Winter will be the problem.

No food for the squirrels. Not until I get a squirrel proof feeder.

Rose in dappled shade. Already being eaten. And lots of narcissus foliage still.

Planted the boxwood and Solomon's Seal. It's time for a hot bath. Our weather is cool and beautiful today so I'll enjoy the warmth of the water. Till next time.