Thursday, June 17, 2021


Pulled pansies and replaced with double impatiens. Waiting for 2 colocasia bulbs to emerge. Hope they haven't rotted.

Native honey suckle has started to bloom.

Asters don't look as prolific this year. Summer hasn't started yet.

Missing the blooms on the foxgloves but they're making plenty of seeds. I'll have to have patience and let the seed heads dry and brown. They reseed every year since originally planted.

Yarrow starting to bloom.

Have to do something about them this fall. They've taken over the tiny flower bed and really multiplied.

I believe this is verbena.

Self seeded sunflower one of three. Don't know if the other 2 will survive.

Roughed up the nicotenia bloom stalking it today. It'll survive. The leaves of the plant are huge. I may remove the 2 I have in the bed to plant zinnias. They take up too much space.

A shorter bee balm. There's also a taller variety that hasn't started blooming yet.

Borage direct sow in fall was standing tall. Probably a football throw into the flower bed knocked it down. It was full of blooms. I love the pretty blue blooms. There's also a tiny bell of Ireland plant that was also direct sow. Forgot to get a picture of it.

Can't remember the name of this daisy.

Replanted this container on the weekend. It looked dead this morning. The petunias and other plants were dried out. I watered it and will show a better picture when it's looking better. Planted mandevilla, petunias, and another annual inside.

Looks like some type of beetle or maybe lady bug larva in progress. There are so many insects that look like lady bugs but are not. What ever they are, they're a lot of them in the flower bed this year.

Calibrachoa and petunias. Started the petunias from seeds indoors and thought they were dead. They didn't start to do anything until June. I think I will start more this winter because these are doing well.

More sun has helped the smaller new growth fill out on the porch. It had a lot of new growth this winter but all of the branches were small. Not enough sun. I'll bring it out every summer now.

I actually have a banana pepper developing.

Fresh flowers inside.

My newest plant philodendron Brandtianum.

The dwarf fiddle is still living. Lost some leaves but also gained some new leaves.

In the yard.

Do you buy plants and let them sit? I have to do better.

Planted 2 nicotenia seedlings sown over the winter. Surprised slugs haven't eaten it.

A hydrangea from last year that was eaten to the ground by a squirrel. I looked through the window and watched it. Surprised that it came back but it must bloom on old wood because it didn't bloom this year.

A type of native aster for shade in the container. Don't have the tag right now.

Himalayan maiden hair fern. Not as pushy about water but not native. The plant next to it is turtle

The salvia is actually true to color. A pretty blue. Didn't realize they can tolerate some shade.

This flower bed is always the under dog. I have to work on it. Although I have put perennials here but they haven't thrived.

Phlox past bloom.

This oak leaf hydrangea planted in the ground did not bloom. All the ones in containers did. Maybe next year.

I have less birds since the bird feeder stopped being filled but my regular cardinal comes every afternoon for a bath. It's nice to watch.

The rose bush has not been eaten so far this year. But I didn't get my yearly 1 rose.

Lilac in the center removed from the sun porch to the shade. How will that work? It'll bloom hopefully in spring before the trees leaf out and form the canopy. We shall see.

Hydrangea Annabelle has actually done well in the yard in a container. I see something has started eating a leaf. Actually I like the white blooms better than the colored ones. They light up the yard.

Oak leaf hydrangea.

Brunner did not bloom this spring. Missed the forget me not blue blooms. Don't know why it didn't bloom. Four more arrived yesterday in the form of roots. This is the one perennial planted in the ground in the yard that does well even with only rain water. I may work on that tomorrow as we have a heat wave coming this weekend. Holland Bulbs had a good sale on them.