Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Who would of Thought


I've lived in this house for 30 years. During this time the already large trees, not mine surrounding my yard have grown. Over the years less and less light reaches the canopy in the yard as the trees grow. My neighbor has never trimmed the trees hanging over my yard. I once cut some branches on my side and was requested not to cut any on their side. The reason given was privacy and wanting the shade. What happened about 2 weeks ago? I could never imagine that a storm would knock down one of the largest trees out back. Not in the neighbors yard that I spoke with but 1 house down. But the tree also fell in their yard and is leaning on their house. I heard a loud boom and knew it was a tree. After checking the front of my house my tree was intact but out back not so. This was a huge old tree that fell and covered the span of 3 houses and still rose into the air. It'll take a while I'm sure to have it removed. Hopefully everyone had home owners insurance. I wonder will the trees now be cut or pruned that hang over my yard. They could possibly be next. It's made me think about getting the tree in the front of my home cut his fall. It has always been too close to the house but was this way when I bought the house. It's due for pruning but maybe removal would be best.

So it's summer still and of course I've been doing things in the house before going back to work from summer vacation. Freshened up some paint, laid down some new rugs that are washable, hung fresh curtains in my bedroom bathroom, and living room, groomed plants, took some things to Goodwill, and preparing for knee replacement surgery. Finally getting the knee done and getting nervous. At least my house is in order. 

Painted the stairwell. Not perfect but much needed. I have an old house with plaster walls and it won't be perfect but it looks so much better. A long pole assisted me this time instead of climbing a later so I could be safer. Surprised it could reach more than 15 feet. The other ceilings are short. This is the highest ceiling. Stair rails still have to be painted but maybe next year after my knee heels. Also finished the painting out doors for now and did some caulking of the bead board ceiling on the porch and hung curtains on another side of the sunporch. I'm getting too old for this but when you live in a house you have to do repairs and take care of it. I'm sure eventually one day I'll hire someone to do indoor painting. My belief, keep moving or decline and die.

Painted another wall in the hallway and hung a picture.

Purchased a mini fridge for upstairs so I'll have to do less walking downstairs after surgery. Some simple ready made meals can be put in like salads, tuna fish, sandwiches, and food that doesn't need to be heated. I wanted one anyway for cold beverages and fresh fruit without having to walk down stairs to get it. It's nice and cool and does freeze water. Haven't tried ice cubes or ice cream yet. My daughter will be preparing hot meals for me.

Haven't been a good plant parent this summer with my jasmine. Giving them a good watering and will remove all the browned dead leaves. Hopefully it'll bloom again this winter. This will be it's second winter.

Don't know how to act with so much sun in the yard now. Can't wait until next summer. Maybe I can start growing container vegetables again.

The tree fell from the right to the left onto 3 houses.

And then there was light.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Summer Flowers

 August arrived with beautiful weather. For now mild days, blue skies, and cool nights. No air conditioning needed. Next week, maybe back to the heat because it's still summer.

My new Rojo Congo from Home Depot yesterday. A Proven Winner Plant discounted 50%. Home Depot has really been discounting their plants and shrubs faster than the nurseries. This is the time to get some good discounts on perennials, houseplants, pots, and shrubs. Moving everything out in preparation for fall.

Staghorn fern on the table to be repotted. It came in a four inch pot this past spring from Longwood Garden. It was tiny and has really grown. I'd like it mounted but it seems to be happy in a container. I want to put it back in a plastic pot since it seemed to do well. A clay pot is available but I won't use that because I don't want the plant to compete with the clay for water.

The asters have stayed in bloom. Now I know the key is to dead head them after each bloom. Black eyed Susan's added a few weeks ago. They require daily watering but have done really well. Hopefully they'll make it for fall color.

Have to remove the seeds from this nicotiana.

My favorite is the hot pink coneflower. The pollinators favorite is the gaillardia.

Don't have it's tag but I believe it's in the Pow Wow series.

I need to deadhead the old blooms so it stays in flower until frost.

Removed a declining broom bush and planted my favorite. This is Bobo. It's a panicle hydrangea and will bloom on new wood. It may be more work than I've expected because it needs to be watered every....day or else it'll end up like my Little Lime in the yard with shriveled brown flowers. Supposedly the Lime Light panicle hydrangeas like full sun. So disappointed because I bought a total of 4 hydrangeas but these are more needy than hydrangea arborescens. I have one in a container in the yard for the past three years and it rarely gets watered by me even in drought. Rain water is the main source of water. A shrub that flowers all summer was important to me but this may require more attention than I expected. I'll get over this if it makes it through winter and I see it bloom next summer. One may go in the second container on my sidewalk but maybe I should see how this one does first. A nice sized one is pricey if not on sale.

I love verbena. My goal is to get a patch of them close together. I had more seedlings and already bought more seeds for starting in winter.

No, I didn't kill the spotted lantern fly. A nuisance and not native but I haven't had a problem with them on my plants this summer.

Moved my planter so I can freshen up the white paint. It's overdue.

Have to wipe it down and let it dry before painting and put down tape so paint doesn't get on the steps. It came out beautifully. I'll take a picture tomorrow. Next up my front door inside and out then the gate. Those were part of chores I wanted to get done while on summer break from work. I also painted my stairwell indoors, hung fresh curtains in the bathroom and bedroom, did lots of laundry, took some items to the thrift shop, and other chores. I'm preparing for a knee replacement and won't be able to do these things once I get that done. My daughter and sister will water my plants. My daughter will do meal planning and cook some meals for me. I bought a table top ice maker so my knee can be iced and need to order a tiny dorm sized refrigerator for my bedroom so I won't be up and down steps too much to get water, fruit, and light snacks. Still have to hang fresh curtains in the living room. Bought a decent shredder and shredded so much old mail. A good shredder is worth it and I got it on sale. I've stocked up on household items I'll need until I can drive again and feel prepared for my surgery and autumn.