Friday, February 26, 2021

Blooming Eye Candy

Almost spring. Snow drops on the sun porch bought to be planted in the ground. This is what happens when you don't plant what you buy. Actually I just planted some allium, narcissus, and tulips yesterday, shame on me. What else is blooming? Two forced hyacinths in the house and some tulips brought yesterday from the produce market. Also larkspur, carnations, and scabiosa to make an arrangement. Scabiosa are beautiful. Haven't seen them in the market before. I sowed seeds of the plain pale purple ones but they haven't germinated. Probably better to have self sown. I'll have to find seeds of other varieties because they're beautiful but must flop because each flower has a plastic sleeve to hold up the head. My container bulbs are waiting to fully emerge, soon. It was hard to pass on the pansies yesterday, just beautiful. I'm trying to wait for the ones I sowed to reach a good size and I'll harden them off and put in my containers. Can't wait.


My pansies.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Seedling Progress

Transplanted seedlings into pots, now it's time to get some more seeds started. Today more pansies and violas, coleus, more gloriosa daisies, and petunias. Seedlings started about one month ago are doing well although two sowings of pelargoniums have only resulted in about 10 seedlings. I'll have to find more pots to disinfect in the basement. Threw out a lot this summer from those save from annuals bought last summer. They add up over time. Peat pots are okay but dry out quick. Glad to have had some already from last season. Old impatiens seeds sown did not germinate. Ordered some for spring the new Beacon variety that supposedly don't get downy mildew.

Won't be buying any more gloriosa daisies. They're hardy and big plants and easy to work with although the seeds are tiny. I fell in love with them during the fall. Ordered some from Bloombox. Although I have to find the chocolate colored ones which were beautiful. I saved seeds but made the mistake of putting all of them in the same paper bag. Not wise thinking I'd be able to identify the seed heads. All the daisy seed heads looked the same. I'll experiment first. If they don't germinate, I'll order a pack of seeds.

Salvia and smells just like them. I also bought about forty dollars worth of salvia last season. Won't be doing that again either. The seedlings are big and easy to work with.

                                                                              Gloriosa Daisies


Pansies were flat on the soil and dried up this morning, oh no. I watered them and they look a little better but not like before. Some may not make it. Sad because they're my favorites and I haven't sown any from seeds for years. But, I sowed more today.

Dragon Wing Begonias

Petunias, coleus, and gloriosa daisy on the heat mat. Pansies went on the cool window seal as before until they germinate. Then I'll move them under lights.

Poor excuse for hyacinths this year. Bloom stalks starting to emerge on some. They had 12 weeks chill in the basement but didn't do well this year. I won't order from this company again. Paperwhites forced from the same company didn't do well either. The living room is starting to smell wonderful from their fragrance although not in full bloom, yet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Punxsutawney Phil

I think we Northeasterner's already knew that as Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow and saw his shadow, that there would be 6 more weeks of winter.  Have you ever watched this yearly event complete with top hats? Amusing and one I look for on ground hog day. Although we have ground hogs in my neighborhood in the city, I've been lucky and haven't had one decide to choose my yard for a home. Maybe the lack of vegetables in the summer. With the yard receiving dappled shade due to trees, don't think there will be much vegetable growing there until I have some of my neighbors trees pruned that hang over my yard. 

This was the 2nd day of shoveling. Yesterday it was light and fluffy and took little effort to move. Today the opposite and it took a little over 1 hour to remove it all from the sidewalk. Guess that was my exercise for the day. Birds in the yard have loved the snow and have packed the feeder while eating, singing, and drink water from a heated bird bath. Appearing not concerned about the falling snow that will continue until this evening.

Going out to shovel. Hopefully my back allows me.

In the Yard

Giving me the back.

Time for a nap. You would think his feet would be cold.

Second birdbath not heat, covered in snow.

Dark eyed junco. Often called snow birds. They do seem to love the snow and have spent all winter thus far visiting the feeder in a flock along with sparrows, purple finches, cardinals, jays, and a wood pecker.

It's primrose time. The yellow ones are my favorites and are scented. Wonder why the other colors aren't.

Couldn't leave the store without something green last week. Of course all 3 are divas so a open terrarium may help. You know how they act when they want water.