Sunday, March 29, 2015

It looks Like Spring, Feels Like Winter

The earth shows the arrival of spring. In the yard the few crocuses that survived the rampage of squirrels have emerged. The heuchera, ornamental grass, and lambs ear out front still appear dormant surrounded by emerging spring bulbs. The front flower bed has also take a beating by furry visitors. Arborvitaes in the sidewalk planters didn't take as bad a beating this winter. One in the yard appears to have been burned by winters and springs whipping winds. I think it'll survive. 

This weekend was busy with my daughter's birthday and unexpected family illness. Many commitments and 26 degree temperatures limited my spring planting to only the outside planter on the step. The top of the soil is frozen but workable underneath. Although we haven't had any more snow, the temperatures have been frigid at night and cool during the day. The soil is frozen in the sidewalk planters. Maybe I'll be able to plant the rest of the pansies next week on a warm day.

On to this years drama with the window boxes. I can't seem to keep that shrub standing up right. If things stop digging, that would help. I planted a lot of bulbs that are now gone. If I get one, it'll be a surprise.
I waited patiently until today and the top of the soil is frozen. I removed it. The ivy has show no new growth yet. It's hard to kill ivy as you can see to the left. Hope it survived.

Gave it a hair cut. I hope it's as pretty as last year.
I'll wait a while to clean last years remnants and give the shrubs a fresh hair cut.
The varmints actually didn't eat everything.

I put bulbs in these but I don't think I'll get anything. Every day the remains were on top of the soil from what the squirrels had been eating. I put cayenne pepper on top. Haven't seen a bulb on top of the soil since. Let them eat that. I know they have to eat but they're supposed to collect nuts to eat during the winter.
Thyme. Seems to like the cold. One dollar off the discounted and dying plant rack. I bought these herbs. My seedlings did so poorly this season that I really am afraid to start anything else. If they die for one dollar a piece I won't feel bad, but I think they'll make it.
I don't know if the basil will make it.

One of my favorites, dill.
Primrose. Thought they like cold but they've been fussy being on my porch. I was going to put them in the planter but they may die outside although they are cool season perennials here.

I lugged this into my shopping cart, car, then onto the porch. Garden woman with strength. I don't know how I got it in the car and home by myself but I did. I would have payed a huge price for this at a nursery. Love Ross.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Time to Garden-On the Porch

Today's warmth and beautiful blue sky were hard to pass up and it go me onto the porch. Sprouting bare root plants should have encouraged me before now. After buying them, their dying is not an option. Hopefully it won't rain this weekend. I would love to plant my pansies and get out in the yard. There's a lot to do out there. I'm excited. Hope you're enjoying the start of the season.

This weekend I'll burn the last of the wood till next fall. I hope the salt can now be put away till next winter. Can't imagine another snow storm but it's not impossible. We've had snow in April before.
The sky is a beautiful blue but today I didn't take pictures of it. Thought I could capture it through the window but couldn't.
Forty discounted red tulip bulbs left from fall. Still solid and healthy. Didn't get to plant them outside and anyway they may have been more food for the squirrels. I'll enjoy them on the porch.
I'll plant them in this container.
Just have to top off with soil.
Red stargazer lilies. Pink ones are already planted.
Black eye Susan. I have to buy more soil to plant this and the other plants. I used it all today.
Those are the peony. I really wish I could have planted them in the ground first not a pot.
Walmart rose bushes. You'll see how they do. I know nothing about rose bushes.
They're starting to bud out. Time to be planted. Hopefully this weekend. 

They're 4 rubber banned.
Separated and not planted too deep.
Mom's fig tree. I hope it buds back out this year. Afraid that it would die again, I kept it on the porch this winter.
That's it for the porch today. Just have to label the pots and water them.

I have to plant these.
Shame to say I got these from Brent and Becky's last season. They're still firm! Lets see what happens.
They're not dried out.
I planted the peony, agapanthus, wake fern (trillium),  and tulips.
Under the table and in the bag, still to plant. They are still caladium, elephant ears, and sweet potato vine from last year in the basement dormant. Another day.

Coleus and impatiens repotted . I looked later and they look dead. Didn't take transplanting well.
Pink stargazer lilies.
The rose and tulip are back home. Heat in the office almost did them in after 1 day.
They're doing well except one. I sat it on the porch,
The arrangement is still doing well since last Saturday.