Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Autumn Walk In The Neighborhood

The foliage display was late this fall but there are still plenty of leaves and remaining green spaces to see. I picked a good day last week to walk. It was beautiful and windy. Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely as was mines. Fall is my favorite season and I dread to see it go, but spring is coming. We just have to get through the snow.

Let's take a walk. I swept and bagged 1 1/2 bags of leaves from the tree and hoped to get at least 3 before wind gusts of forty blew the majority of the leaves off  the tree and away by morning. I guess I should be thankful because this is less work for me. Sweeping and bagging leaves is better than shoveling the snow soon to come.

I'll miss the sea of golden leaves. Till next Autumn.

Can't see what type of plants they are but they're still in bloom representing our varied weather here so far.

Knock out roses still blooming.

The Neighborhood Community Garden in Fall.

When I see leaves I think of leaf mold and all the types of nutrients that different ones can add to the soil. I only have those from Norway Maples but it would be nice to have a variety.

Spotted some different types of lettuce, kale, and some herbs like rosemary.

No, I'm not sure if its sweet autumn clematis or honeysuckle but it's pretty.

Bluebeard Bush

That's a magnolia. It's beautiful in spring.

Trees are just as beautiful without their leaves.

Would have loved to open this seed pod when I was a child.

Pretty berries.

Back down the avenue and on to home.

Few leaves but just as pretty.

I love clouds, sunrise, and sunset. Even better, being out at night in an open space with all the stars.

Back Home.