Sunday, December 22, 2019

Winter Soltice

Winter arrived yesterday. And now the days get longer. It was time to conquer Autumn's leaves in my yard. Covered in 3 layers, 3 1/2 hours later I racked and bagged up 4 bags. The yard looks better. Those leaves acted as a covering for spring narcissus with their green and white tops above the soil. Although this is the second day of winter life continues to move and prepare for spring. Like a flock of robins I watched yesterday. Haven't seen them all fall. And this morning I awoke to the sound of a bird singing. I haven't heard them sing for months. Leaves do serve a purpose after they've fallen offering protection and a covering for perennials resting and insects who make their home in them. In spite of this, I don't live in the forest where fallen leaves are welcome and eventually break down into organic richness and aren't untidy looking. This is the second year I won't be saving them for leaf mold. Hopefully when I clean up some areas of the yard I'll have room to store them next fall.

No water for the critters it froze.

Autumn fern. My plan is to pay some attention to the yard this summer and water the beds. Hopefully autumn fern will respond and fill out some. That's easy to say before the heat of July and August arrive.

Cyclamens really like the yard. All that have been planted the last few years have thrived and bloomed.

It's winter but I'm going to cut the dead branch off the rose. Now that all the leaves are removed I can take my time some days after work and on weekends to clean up the yard before spring.

When I decorated for Christmas the corn was removed and placed out front in the flower bed for the critters. I've found corn kernels every where even carried and buried in the yard and some critter carried this cob all the way to the yard. Corn kernels were even in window boxes out front on the top windows. I'm sure I may have a corn stalk growing somewhere during the summer. Squirrels have eaten good at my house this season including some apples that were getting soft placed in the yard. Every one ate. I'm sure opossums and raccoons helped. Next to cut up some pumpkins and lay them out. I'll prepare pumpkin bread or soup with  the ones that can be used for that. They say the large Jack O Lanterns don't do well for this. I've never cooked pumpkin, I enjoy them and place them out for the critters. I'll let you know what I make from them. 

Box woods also do good in the yard and offer something green all year.

Narcissus with their heads above soil. Too soon.

My reason for actually being in my yard was to clean the grill for Christmas. Something different for dinner this year. I'm going to cook but rest. We had a large family dinner for Thanksgiving and I want to just rest and enjoy Christmas and New Years day doing only what I want to do. I actually left the grill in good condition and it's ready for coals on Wednesday.

Removed the frozen block of ice from the bird bath and filled it with fresh water. Maybe some critter will appreciate it tonight.

Now the watching begins to see who will find it first. I'll be disappointed if I don't get to see some birds enjoying this winter treat. Hours later after my nap I spotted a squirrel eating and fighting with another defending it's territory. Why would one squirrel think that he owns the wreath and no one else can enjoy it?

Although the picture doesn't capture it, this a crater dug up with bulbs uncovered. Obviously bulbs the critters don't like. They've dug several craters in the yard but there will be no tulips for them to eat this winter. I have some bluebells to plant but think I've missed my time. The ground is frozen, so were the leaves. Frost covered the ground below them. So they'll go into a container and after they bloom and the foliage dies I'll let them dry and plant them in the ground  next fall. I also still have hyacinths and tulips to plant. They'll go in containers also and be put in the yard in the spring when they start to bloom.

Back Inside

Plant hospital. My scindapsus did so well until now and this rattle snake calathea is done. I've tried everything. 

She's doing better and did not have any of this foliage when I bought the small 4" pot.

I haven't kill it. It's actually grow several new leaves this fall. Had to move it to another spot because the light burned a leaf.

Xanadu is still alive.

Couldn't resist her yesterday but I should have. It's mixed neon, golden, and jade pothos. Neon did not do well for me in the past. I have one under the plant light hanging on.

Hopefully paper whites will bloom soon. They're really late. I planted them months ago.

This bloom stalk is leaving me. It was beautiful and had 5 blooms. Usually each spike only has 4 for me. I'll be waiting on the second flower spike to bloom.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Planting Bulbs

Took advantage of a beautiful sunny day to continue planting bulbs before the ground is really frozen. Narcissus for the window box and City of Harlem hyacinths for another day. We also visited my parents grave today to lay a wreath and plant some bulbs. If they survive the deer. I'll see when I go back.
One hundred Tang Dynasty, yellow, orange and white. From Color Blends. Last time they were all eaten by the critters so looking forward to seeing this combination.

The top of the surface is frozen. I removed it, planted the bulbs then covered with fresh potting soil. Finally covered with mesh and pinned down. Hopefully I'll have good luck again and critters won't bother them.

Planted some other varieties in the flower bed and trimmed down the dead foliage from asters and black eyed Susan's. The pansies haven't complained about the weather.

I thought saffron crocus didn't produce saffron until the second year. I had one bloom. Didn't know the bloom were fragrant and 3 pieces of saffron from it. Thus far the others haven't produced blooms.

My hydrangea may live another year. So far so good on the porch.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Changing Seasons

Haven't raked the leaves yet although usually this is done the weekend after Thanksgiving. Well Christmas approaches and they're still there as well as bulbs waiting to be planted. What about you?

Thanksgiving was beautiful with family and now I can rest until maybe Saturday when it's time to drag the tree out of the basement.

Started decorating. This year didn't want a lot of reds, something light. Bought a wood house from Ross and now I'm hooked. I'll have to start searching for pieces for my Christmas village for next year. Until then I'll use what I have. I have to find my poly fill to add some snow.

Delphiniums in December or are they larkspur?
Our second fire.

My house in the woods. Actually I think it's a church. But it can be my house in the woods of Switzerland. Lets dream.

We have our tree.

The stockings are hung by the fire with care in hope that...

Can't find my silver beads.

My diamond ring is back. 

Kitty's paw.

Think this amaryllis was mislabled.

That has to be the wrong tag on this amaryllis. No way that's going to turn pink.

Hope my white Easter cactus blooms in the spring.
You killing house plants too, Lol.
When I organize this, I'll start some seeds.
The African violets were in bloom when I bought them and now blooming again. They must like the plant lights. I love houseplants that bloom.