Sunday, February 17, 2019

Transplanting Vinca

Not all vinca seed germinated.

Time to pot them up. Most have 4 leaves a few still only have 2.
I usually put a cut piece of paper towel in the bottom of the pot so soil doesn't drain out. Instead of 4-5" pots I normally plant them in I opted for a smaller  3 inch pot.

The first watering with a 1/2 fertilizer and put under the plant lights again.

I'll let the coleus get a little bit bigger before I pot them up. Where is chocolate mint and chocolate covered cherry? In time I hope. Love seeing them get their true color pattern.

Petunias growing slower than I remember. Haven't started them in a few years. They'd probably die if I don't water them every day, just a little misting.

Bringing all the hyacinths from the basement. Not a good season for them and these may not do anything. They had more than enough chill time and darkness but most didn't develop roots at all. This has never happened.

My hyacinth. Just don't know what happened to them this season.

The fire felt good. It was in the 40's today but it felt much colder. Plants are amazing. My house plants have all started to grow new leaves all over especially pothos and philodendrons. It must be longer days and the spectrum of sun light changing, yeah.

They smell so good scenting up the living room.

Counting the days till spring. Tomorrow maybe I'll start some other seeds.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Little Bit of Spring

While I wait for our latest 2 day weather event, snow, ice, rain, I'll enjoy a little bit of spring. Three weeks until the Philadelphia Flower Show. Anticipating Flower Power.

For my desk tomorrow.

More iris are raising their heads above soil.

Miniature roses don't do good inside so I'll see how well it does on the porch.

In the house. I haven't bought many cut flowers this winter. Probably due to all the house plants I bought and have been tending to.

One of my sad forced hyacinth that didn't do well this year although they received enough chill time.

Seedling update. Tiny petunias.



They've started to get their color.

Dragon wing begonia have begun to germinate. Only 3 out of 20 so far. Hopefully I'll get more. Can you see the one on the right?  Didn't get around to starting more seeds this weekend. I'm going to start some more geraniums since only one seed germinated. May call Swallowtail Garden and request replacements or find some old seed in my seed stock. Waiting to start peppers, basil, echinacea, and foxgloves.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Around the House

Not much longer until spring. Our fall and winter in my area has been mixed. Light on snow for which I'm happy. Snow is beautiful and I love it but not trying to get around in it, dig out the car, or shoveling. The first snow in Philly was in November and our biggest so far but still only a few inches. That's fine with me. Who knows what March will bring. Mean while in the house plants have multiplied over the winter and most actually doing well. Forced hyacinths did not do well this season. I forced them the same way as usual. Possible the bulbs. They seemed to shrink while forcing for some reason and maybe that was the cause. There's always autumn to try again and purchasing bulbs on line that may do better. 

Begonia seeds planted first have not yet germinated. Hopefully I didn't kill the seeds with too much moisture and heat. If they don't germinate I'll be sad but can start some more but maybe not with other seeds yet to start. Vinca was the first seed to germinate followed by coleus, petunia, and so far only 1 pelargonium seedling. Lets look at a little bit of what's growing in the house. Some I've shown before but the point is, that they're still alive and winter is almost over. I did good with my house plants this season.

Two trays of vinca. Not all have germinated.

The whole tray was sprinkled with fresh coleus seeds but one side germinated better than the other for some reason.

Petunia Seedlings

It was 50 degrees today but cool in the house. A good day for a fire.

Dracaena lemon lime. Okay, you know I've already killed one this winter from over watering. Couldn't leave her in the store because I don't see them often.

I bought lemon button fern after doing some research on which ferns might survive indoors. This was one that was recommended as doing well. It's not dead yet. Couldn't get another maiden hair fern. That would be sure death.

Ficus is still living but requires frequent watering and humidity. Addressed the humidity problem by and old remedy. Placed a pot of water on each radiator like my mother used to do to keep the house from being so dry in. I still may get a humidifier for next winter.

Coffee and diet soda. Yes I drank both. Coffee was delicious. Is it a table or plant stand!

Believe this is kangaroo fern..

ZZ plant moved from the table back to the book shelf.

Primrose in the kitchen window.

Jade was full when it came here. Now put in the kitchen window and it actually hasn't died from being too cool. I need to clean up the leaf litter on top of the soil. This won't be a plant I'll buy again although people say it's an easy plant to grow.

Lemon plant still surviving. Maybe it'll fill out in the summer when I put it on the porch.

Pothos about the same. Making new leaves and no yellowing or dried leave in a while.

Air plant in open terrarium from Michaels. Although not completely closed I was surprised that the walls were steamed up from humidity.

Dracena repotted.

Amaryllis gaining energy for the next time it blooms, hopefully. The others are dormant except one other. I have to give them more care because some of the bulbs weren't cheap and they should continue to bloom for years if given the right care.

Thought it was satin philodendron but may be satin pothos. She's sat on the mantel and did well since coming home. If she starts to not look well in the window back to the mantel for her.

Aglaonema pink dalmation. Moved from the plant light. Why did I have it there? They supposedly don't need lots of light but I've had 2 red ones and another pink one die in this same spot on the mantel. Send good wishes her way.

Neon pothos. Most of her died but saved this piece when I put her up under the plant light. This also requires more light.

Calathea Plant one of the more common types. She's only been in the house for 2 weeks and 1/2 of the plant has died. I moved her to hang on the plant shelf and she's done better. She also had white blooms. Kept my receipt to take it back but think I'll keep her.

Pearls and Jade pothos brought months ago. Half of the plant died so I moved it under the plant light and it's put on lots of new growth. The white variegation I guess will eventually fill in on the leaves. She likes more light than the green pothos and water at least in my house.

Dendrobium orchid bought discounted from Home Depot this winter. She's putting on new growth.

Panda plant (kalanchoe tomentosa) , a succulent. I love to feel the leaves.

She came in the black pot but outgrew it. Must like it here. Moved to a little bigger clay pot. Those are babies from her in the black pot.

Philodendron Micans

Ficus is still living and doing well. Every now and then she looses a leaf. I no longer stress about this.

My Valentines Day pothos to be hung in the bathroom when I get a anchor for the hook. Should have some already but couldn't find any today.

Pothos in the bedroom window. How many do you have? Now that I've learned their needs and don't kill them I have more. Who kills a pothos? Don't people say they're one of the easy house plants to have? Yes, if you know how to care for them. Yellow leaves have to be removed. I've lost 2 leaves the other the largest leaf on the plant. That's not bad. It's adjusted well so far.

In the bedroom also.

Phalaenopsis Orchid from Thanksgiving is doing well. The bloom stalks didn't die and new blooms are forming. I've never had this happen. Bothe stalks are completely green. I take it out of the cache pot once a week and let it soak in water, then drain, and put it back on the rack. It gets lots of indirect bright sun every morning from a north facing window.

ZZ plant has done well in the bathroom and has 4 new plant stalks coming up.

One of 2 African violets in the window. I have to take better care of them and maybe they'll bloom more frequently.

Crown of thorns is also in the window and blooms year round. There are 2 of them a foot tall. I'd like to add them to the same container when I get around to it.

Removed the Christmas wreath from the door the first day of February and will go in the trash on Tuesday once the ornaments and pine cones are taken off. Till next Christmas.

Crocus and iris on the porch. There the only bulbs that have their heads above the soil except one tulip bulb.

Time to put the corn away until autumn. I'll put the half eaten corn back outside for the squirrels. They'll enjoy this.

Half of the wood stack burned and bags of seed starting mix.

Finally I bagged up the pumpkins today from the porch. Would be nice if I composted. I'd love to put them in the yard for the squirrels but it would be a mess. I may put the larger one under my tree for them to eat until it becomes too messy and then throw the remains out. That's a plan. Hope your enjoying some living plants in your home this winter.