Thursday, October 29, 2020

Paperwhites and Hyacinths

 My paperwhites on the porch have sent up a spike. Guess it's time to force some. I'll also start some hyacinths. Starting ziva paperwhites, yellow gypsy queen hyacinth and a light blue one. This season paperwhites came from Homedepot. Usually I get them from Primex Nursery but with covid, I avoided going there. Almost the last bulb order arrived today from Color Blends and was sitting on my front steps in pouring rain. Thankful for the heavy cardboard box they were in. I removed the mesh bags and will let them sit on the porch for ventilation until planted. My other bulbs came from Eden Brothers, and Dutch Grown. I have another order arriving with amaryllis, fressia, and ranunculus. Our first frost in Philly is supposed to be tomorrow night so maybe the annuals will be mush by the weekend and I'll pull and sometime in November plant tulips in their spot. The bees will miss the annual salvia that's still in bloom. They've been enjoying it up to the last minute

Planted 5 Blue Eyes, 6 Yellow Gypsy Queens, and 1 Gypsy Queen which is salmon colored. The yellow and salmon are the white bulbs. Took me a while to figure out why the bulbs were white. 

Put in the cellar with the box closed but open enough for ventilation.

Covered pebbles with water but not touching bulbs. On the shelf to take photo but moved to another location for roots to grow and eventually foliage and blooms hopefully. Last winter my forced paper whites did not bloom. Don't know why. Hopefully these do.

From  Eden Brothers in fairy tail colors. Can't wait to see these. To go in containers for the sunporch.
Beautiful foliage. Scindapsis pictus and Chinese evergreens.

First Fire

Plant shame. No, didn't know some begonias may go dormant during the fall until spring. I know the tuberous ones do but didn't think Rex Begonias did. Cleaned them both up and removed all the foliage and stems. The tuber or I guess what can be called the stalk is still there and looks like the future leaves are already there under all the debri. I'll know when spring comes.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

My Tiny Bouquet

Made a promise to myself to pick some of the ornamental flowers I grow. Even though I only have a small flower bed. Zinnias, annual salvia, and can't remember the name of the small pink one right now (veronica). Yesterday after work I cleaned up the flower bed and planned to pull the salvia, but the bees are still all over it. Maybe it'll die down by the first frost and it'll be pulled so I can start planting my bulbs. One order arrived. Waiting for 3 more orders.

That's enough of the tiny bouquet.

Catnip time on the porch with Callie. Clipped from my plant. She rolled in it for a long time. I think it's perennial so it'll return in the spring. It's still growing nicely in my container.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Fall Bulbs

First Bulb Arrival. From Dutch Grown a local who sales bulbs from their farm in Holland. The bulbs are large and healthy. Why did I buy so many hyacinths? Won't be forcing them all indoors. They'll go in pots on the sunporch for spring. Time to start planting. I promise myself to start before November. Now to wait on the other bulb orders.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Mantis

I thought insects were busy storing up food for winter, laying eggs, and locating a place to hibernate for the winter. Glad this praying mantis is on the other side of the glass. I know, they're good insects that eat bad bugs. I'm still afraid of them but wouldn't kill.