Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Village

From pumpkins to a tiny winter village. After picking out a wreath and garland this morning I decorated my mantel. From pumpkins and the warmth of Thanksgiving to Christmas approaching. Did you start decorating yet?


Monday, November 9, 2020

Fall Leaves

Almost time to rake and, this year shred leaves. Waiting for a sea of golden leaves. This morning in the yard.

The yard needs a little tidying up, soon. I'll wait until all the leaves fall.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Feeding Time

I've created a new grocery bill for myself. This year blue jays and one wood pecker joined the cardinal family that comes to my yard. The sound of the wood pecker could be heard throughout the day but not for a few years. It's back or another one has taken up residence. Glad to have one back. One day during the week while peeking out my window into the yard I got a surprise. Two blue jays, and one cardinal in the bath appearing to dare anyone else to come join. He bathed and then stood still and didn't move. A jay went to the feeder selecting safflower seeds and returning to perch on the fence along side a woodpecker. He ate his seeds and returned for more. I've never had such a variety all at the same time in the yard. Last winter I gave them a treat of black oil sunflower seeds, blueberries, acorns, sliced apples, and pomegranate seeds. All eaten. The best part will be when I order my waterproof bird cam and see what animals and birds are visiting the yard during the day and night. I'm excited.

Also ordered 2 suet feeders and 12 packs of suet. One was put out today.

Placed on the ground for the cardinals to see. They do a lot of feeding from the ground. Tomorrow I'll check and see what's been eaten. I'll let you know.

The corn came from Primex Garden Center today. Made a trip there before closing. Sunflower seeds, peanuts, 1 pack of seeds, and some suet purchased. My order from was at the door when I arrived home with bird food and something for my turtle and kitty. I put all the food in a covered container so possible critters hopefully don't find it in the cellar. It'll be a winter of bird and critter watching. You should have seen the seeds. Didn't misbehave. Most of the fall bulbs were sold but there still were a few along with amaryllis and paper whites. I love the garden center. Could have spent hours there.