Sunday, November 7, 2021


Now my time goes to gardening indoors, forcing bulbs, and seed starting although I haven't started any yet. When I go get some soil, I'll put bulbs in containers on the porch. Received 2 orders and waiting for the last one from Color Blends.

Overhead shop lights have helped my cactus fill out on top. I've had her for many years.

She had lots of blooms but only one left now until next time.

Begonia seeding I grew last winter. If taken better care of it would look much better by now.

Rabbits foot fern and how can I forgot the name of the other one.

Grown from 1 tiny baby. She's making progress.

Sansevieria now in the spot where my yearly peace lily sits. I moved it to under the plant light to try to save it.

Said I wouldn't buy another Chinese Evergreen but how could I leave it in the store. After killing seveal I've learned they like to be on the dry side. If it doesn't survive until spring that's okay. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Found big mealy bugs on her today. I've been battling them since last winter. Added systemic to soil and watered and sprayed the leaves and will check again later this week and wipe the leaves with alcohol.

Her name is Gabby, from a friend.

Euphorbia with a small bloom. Two have been with me for years have gotten tall but not full. This winter I'll repot them together.

It's that time. Actually I should have started them in September but most mail order doesn't send them that early. They'll go in the cellar sometimes next week for cold and darkness.

I have 5 more paper whites to start. Last season I forced them in soil but went back to water this season.

Sorry for the blurry picture. Rick Rac Cactus grew nicely on the sunporch this summer. She'll return to the porch in the spring.