Monday, October 10, 2022


Time is moving along and we are back to a beautiful colorful time of year. The weather in Philly started to change earlier than usual with cold nights already. We went to the orchid this past weekend. I expected to see the leaves had started to change but not yet. Enjoyed our day and the hay ride is always a treat. There was lots to choose from in the garden center. I came home with 3 new house plant purchases. Of course apples and candied apples. The apple cider donuts were delicious.

From my daughter for my birthday in September. Yes, another year older.

My first bulbs arrived a few weeks ago.

Lettuce and a few other cool season container vegetables. Fresh salad by Thanksgiving and some kale below to put in soup.

Chore of the day.

Ten houseplants moved indoors last week with nights in the 40's.

Wood and a box of tulip bulbs arrived.

The porch is a little more organized. Have to take in the clivia's in the pot on the floor. Hope they do well. I ordered them this summer and put all 3 in one pot.

Planted some perennials this fall to return in spring.

Don't know why the nicotiana didn't bloom. Planted them from seeds. I got no flowers from any of them but the plants were healthy. I'll start more gomphrena from seed this winter. They did real well for me with the drought and high temperatures. I love reds and oranges so I already purchased the seed.


These asters didn't do well.