Thursday, March 30, 2023

Lets Visit

The arborvitae is in a pot. I put in moss to hide it. Two others from a fall planting don't look well and are on the side of the house. Going to see if they live.

Going to sit that Proven Winners pot in something.

Two columbines there until I decide where to plant them. My yard has eaten so many plants including several beautiful columbines.

Native Honeysuckle struggled last spring after frost killed the blooms. 

My Annabelle Hydrangea planted in the fall has survived winter and starting to bud out, yeah. Can't wait to see her.
Waiting for 2 ferns and a hosta to emerge in this pot. Until then, pansies.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Too early for Blooms

Beautiful pelargonium from Primex. I wanted 1 of each type because I rarely see them and not this large. She looked better last week. Her old blooms are starting too die but there are others waiting to open. Below, my seedlings are doing good although didn't expect them to be blooming in March. I just started them in February.

Excited about not having to buy any petunias. I'll never by plants from any form the store again. They are such easy seeds to grow.

Verbena, pelargoniums, and gem.


Kong Coleus

A green blooming nicotiana.

My daughter's tulips for her balcony are the first to bloom. She has to pick these up now.
            I believe they are Don Juan tulips from Tulip World. Can you believe you can order tulips now for fall, already. They don't want gardeners to have any money.

They were crispy. I watered them tonight.

What am I going to do with the gomphrena until May? I know they bloom until frost because I grew them last season. So they should be able to take some cold like now, lol. They may have to be hardened off and go in the soil before May.

My 2 tiny peppers are still alive. They don't even look like peppers. I ordered them from Baker Creek. Hope they are peppers. We shall see.
They may be getting too much light. They're loosing their dark varigation.

On The porch

Almost tulip time. My daughters' pink tulips are the first to develop heads. I'll show them maybe tomorrow. Today it rained all day so nothing got done outside. I rested and prepared seed trays for the second round of seed sowing. This time zinnias, sunflowers, strawflowers, cosmos, nasturtium, black eyed Susan vine or Cyprus vine. Lemon balm, peppers, tomatoes, pak choy, and a few I can't remember. Can't wait to get the bulbs off the porch so other things can be started and fill their spaces. I need to get out front and plant a container, a small basket for the door, and clean out the flower bed. Dormant perennials I ordered during the winter are waiting to be planted. Some out front, and some in the yard. There is so much to do in the yard. I've waited to clean up fall leave to provide a habitat for insects and possibly possums over the fall and winter. I'm anxiously waiting. Maybe in April. I hung some sheer curtains for a little more privacy although they'll probably be open during the day to let in as much sun as possible and drawn when I'm relaxing on the porch.

Lettuce, Georgia collards, spearmint, and I think peppermint, lemon thyme, and a few strawberry plants.

Last spring I put the bulbs outside and frost damaged them and stunted the blooms. Hopefully this won't happen this spring. Unexpected frosts are always still possible until mid May.

Went to Primex Garden Center last weekend and bought some carex grass, ranunculus, and vinca for my container. It's waiting patiently to be planted.

Can't forget the pansies.

The tips of some of the tulips did get some frost burn on their tips. I accidentally broke off the developing tulip bulb. I'll place it in water.

The roses and tulips are on my desk at work. Still doing well. Next week will be their second week but I'll have to trash them possibly mid week.

Didn't keep watering my lemon cypress tree and it's dead. I'll have to throw that out. The other pots are dormant perennials, bergenia, stachy hummelo, echinacea, brunnera, a tiny hydrangea, and hibiscus.

Not pleased with the hyacinths so far. One has rotted. It's still early and some others have opened and smell wonderful.

That's a tassel fern.

My lesson in growing kale on the sunporch over winter. Thought it would get larger. I need to pick the leaves and add to a stir fry. Next fall, I'll start them early so they can be larger before the temperature drops. Enjoy digging in the soil. It's time.