Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Seed Buying Time

Spot something different? I had my tree cut down. The tree was here before I move in 30 years ago, but safety was more important. I'll miss the birds and squirrels but part of it had also started dying.  Now to decide on whether to pull the ivy, add fresh soil and planting this small area. Now that the shade is no more, I can have some sun perennials. Ivy can have large roots. Don't think I'll be removing it myself but will hire someone to remove it, add the soil, and maybe some type of new boarder. Winter dreaming. I have time. Until then I'm going to dig some holes for bulbs and put up a bird feeder. I have to see the birds and squirrels. They'll be happy.
A few pansies added after pulling most of the summer annuals. Dichondra is still alive even with nights in the 30's. Frost will get it. It's not hardy here.

The first 2024 catalogue to arrive.

Thursday, November 9, 2023


They're going to grow anyway. They have been in this bag on my porch for a while.

I'll start these on another day in soil. I also received 3 more in the mail last week.

Placed on top of pebbles and water added only touching the basal plate/bottom of bulb where new roots will emerge. I usually put a small amount of rubbing alcohol in the water. It keeps the foliage from growing too tall. Some use vodka. I don't drink so don't have this in the house. Now to wait for roots to start growing and the beautiful blooms in about 6 weeks. Seven left but have to find a container for them. I'll wait so I can have some in bloom later.

If only I could start on other bulbs that need to be planted in containers and some in the ground, This was a start. I think I'll do some amaryllis and hyacinths next.