Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Weekend

Amaryllis in bloom. This may be the last one for a while.
 We had our second snow storm this weekend, but it wasn't as bad as the one earlier this week. The trees looked so beautiful, but the snow was wet and heavy and had started to fall from the trees before I got a picture.

New pansy watercolor. I have to get a frame for it.

Coleus, nicotiana, gomphrena, and blue Victoria salvia started today. I also sowed snapdragons. Tomorrow maybe some vegetables; cabbage, bok choy, tomatoes, and peppers. My foxgloves, a few asters, and stock need to be transplanted. I will try to save some sad looking pansies that were left in the dark too long and the stems elongated. The plan is to bury the stem up to the leaves. We shall see if this works or if I throw them away.

More forcing vases arrived. I'm waiting for one more.


Sunday, February 4, 2024


I edited my post and lost it, so I'll start again. Finally, a sunny day with blue skies. Took advantage of it and did some work on the sunporch.

Didn't have quite the show I expected with my hyacinths, but I'll take it.

What happened to that hyacinth?

I still have a few containers of paper whites still to bloom.

Started asters, stock, and foxgloves a week ago.

Stock was the first to germinate.

Will start the vegetables and herbs soon.

Stacked the remainder of firewood and made room for the containers.

Trying the fig again.

Needs watering.

Not spring yet but I'm over snow. It took 700 days to snow in Philly. Hope we go for another 700 days.




Started 2 types of pansies which are in a black back bag to give them darkness to germinate.

Will wash when I get ready to plant more seeds, soon.