Monday, March 25, 2024



Some pansies and a few annuals planted in containers today.

Grown in pots on the porch over winter. I planted them in the container without removing them. Tulips have such a short life that in a couple of weeks they'll be done, and I can just remove the container and put something else in its place.

Not my favorite spring container planted but I'll take it.

Hopefully they'll perk up tomorrow. They didn't take well to being transplanted.

After spring bulbs finish blooming maybe I can work on removing the ivy.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Nursery Day



Sorry for the upside-down picture. All spring bulbs were 50% off.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

On the Porch


Hyacinths are still smelling wonderful. It's not a nice feeling when you bought one type of tulips and what emerges in spring is something different. The pink and white tulips below are supposed to also have dark purples. Not one.

These were supposed to all be a pale pink. We had heavy rain since last night and it's seems to be passing now at almost 3:00. Too late for me to go pansy shopping. Tomorrow is my day for the nursery.

Sunday, March 17, 2024



Beautiful today but breezy. Temperature in the 60's before we return to winter next week. The first week of spring will be cold. We were spoiled this week with temperatures in the 70's. I looked for pansies yesterday and was disappointed with the tiny selection at Home Depot so I didn't buy any. I'll wait until next weekend and go to the nursery. Some nights are going to be below freezing next week so I have time. I had to have something that looked springtime, so I hung a wreath on the front door and hung my new watercolor painting on the door for now. Can't help but know it's spring with the smell of the hyacinths in bloom on the porch.

Friday, March 15, 2024

First Blooms


The area to work on this spring. Remove all the ivy. Fix the boarder so soil won't leak out. Add some fresh soil then I can decide what I want to plant. I won't be pulling the ivy someone else will. As to the tree stumps, haven't decided if I'll spend more money to have them removed. Dwarf iris was the first to bloom at my house.


Hyacinths just started opening today. Kind of early but they smell wonderful.

Pansies from fall. It's time to plant the containers but I have to get some cool season annuals first. It's been in the 70's the past few days but will return to the 40's tomorrow.

Thought I planted these in a container on the porch, but the taller ones are on the porch.

Anemones and tulips also.