Sunday, January 19, 2025



Stock was the first seed to germinate in 2 days. Cover removed to help get rid of the mold forming from too much moisture.

A new peace lily, again. She was reduced to eighteen dollars. Went to look at plants at 3 places yesterday to see what was being put out. Seeds, bulbs, houseplants, onion sets, and blueberry bushes at Home Depot. Beautiful plants at Primex Garden Center and 75% off Christmas decorations. I'll regret not buying any for a wreath next Christmas. Passed on the beautiful hellebores which were all in bloom. I would have purchased one if some buds weren't open. Small mums and 2 small houses plants came with me from the produce market.

Squeezed all the plants on the bottom 2 shelves to make room on another shelf for seedlings. After all, it is seed starting time.

Couldn't leave this lipstick plant from Primex. It's beautiful and in bloom.

Will hydrate these.

Starting these 4 seeds.

A little spring time in the mist of a snow storm outside.

So pretty but so fussy in regards to watering.

What the gardener has been reading. Mostly enjoying the eye candy.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Seed Starting

This amaryllis had at least 15 blooms. Two were cut off after blooming. I would love this to make it to next season.

Supposedly amaryllis in wax don't need water but one bloom has died and the other isn't opening.

Need to make room for my seeds. Hopefully I can squeeze a few more in. I have an orchid that's reblooming, yeah.

I have to clear this shelf for seedlings.

Will start these later in the week along with some vegetables.


Monday, January 6, 2025

Snow Day

Happy New Year. Gardening season has begun although it never really ends if you have house plants and force bulbs during the winter. Seed catalogues, gardening books I've bought, and trying to decide what seeds to start. Until I start washing my containers no seeds. I started washing my containers today.
A little bit of spring after removing Christmas decorations. I usually leave them up longer but they had been up since November and I needed something lighter feeling. How were your holidays? I traveled this year for the first time in years. I've never traveled on Christmas and I loved it. I regret not seeing my Georgia family sooner although we keep in touch by phone. The down side was my brother giving everyone in the house we rented his virus. Not COVID but what ever it was it's still lingering after 2 weeks. Today was our first measurable snow fall. Not much, just like I love it. Tomorrow back to work after 17 days off. This is going to be a good year, my retirement year hopefully.

Three hyacinths taken from my porch. I'll stagger when I bring them indoors so I have blooms for a while. I planted some bulbs outdoors last week before the soil really freezes. I still have a few allium to plant and some in a container for my daughter. Some were dried up. I'll have to do better next fall.

Don't like amaryllis in this wax but they are now on sale and the wax can be removed after they bloom and put into soil to bloom next winter.

I haven't fed the birds this winter. I have bird food but haven't been in the yard since it's gotten cold. The squirrels check every day.

Saturday, December 14, 2024





Cold morning to be organizing the porch and planting bulbs. Nineteen degrees this morning. Won't get to plant any outside because the soil is frozen. I'll get around to that one day next week when the weather is warmer.

Bulbs to be planted outdoors on another day.

The fire's been going all day.

Containers of bulbs planted this year, only a few. Usually I plant about 20. Box with my forced hyacinths.

I'll start to bring some in after Christmas.

Bulbs planted in this container also. I didn't water any of them but will get around to that tomorrow.

Christmas Village