Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Georgia on My Mind and Visiting Mom

When our family visits Georgia my brother rents a van so that we have enough room for any family members who also want to take the road trip to visit. It also provides storage for all the purchases we make to bring home. My brother, sister, and myself traveled down. My daughter and nephew stayed home to take care of the house and pets. My young nephew travels to Georgia with my mother at the end of the school year in June and my brother usually drives down to pick him up before school starts again in September. This year the family dog Chelsea traveled with us for the first time. Chelsea is actually my brother's dog.

Mom's House

At the corner

There are two dog wood trees. My mother said the blooms are white in the Spring.

My mother picked the camellia seeds for me to take home and try to grow. The blooms are red and white in the Spring.
The Van

We went to Lowes and my sister bought the plants in containers on the ground to take home. She bought a boxwood, lantana, a tropical plant and 2 flowering perennials. The plants were really inexpensive. The plant in the white plastic container are camillas that my mother rooted from cuttings.

Some of my mother's plants.
Sego Palm
Tradescantia Pallida Plant. This grow prolific in her yard and has pink blooms. She has the purple and green types. I didn't know it bloomed. My mother gave me plenty to bring home. She said not to put it in water to root but to put it directly in the soil. This is how she propagates it. Lets see if it works for me.
Lime/tangerine tree

Fig tree still loaded with figs. My mother canned cases of them. Plenty left for the squirrels and birds. My mother grew this from a cutting given to her by a neighbor. The neighbor's tree does not look like this it's still tiny.

Closer view of the lime/tangerine tree. 
The Shed.
Large oak tree with tree fern, moss, and green tradescantia pallida that my mother put on the tree and it rooted and continues to grow and crawl. I have never heard of tree fern but when we drove through Savanna the oak trees covered the streets and were covered with it. I have another picture I will post that shows a tree covered with it.

A closer view of the oak.

Pine Tree
Isn't the bark beautiful on the pine tree? My mother told me that the squirrels or did she  say birds peel off the bark to eat insects under the bark. The ground under the tree is covered in the bark.

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