Saturday, December 14, 2013


How can one bulb have 2 different colored blooms. I think the unopened one is white with red edges? I can't wait to see it when it opens.
Beautiful red lion amaryllis, but  I saw fungus gnats in the soil today. I put Mosquito Bits in the soil when I planted it but did not follow up with treating the soil for 3 weeks as recommended. I thought I took precautions before to prevent them. This is the second Winter that fungus gnats are in my house when I bought bulbs in. In future years I won't be using the peat or coir disk that come with them. I have one more amaryllis to plant. I'm afraid to plant it. I put mosquito bits in all my house plants months ago. The gnats I saw are only in the soil of the amaryllis but I will have to get rid of them before I start seeds. The active ingredient in mosquito bits is bacillus turinginesis. Last Winter I also use beneficial nematodes that I ordered. I really didn't want to use them this year but I'll see what happens.

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