Friday, January 10, 2014

Spring Inside, Freezing Rain Outside

Weather can be so deceptive. The news yesterday did forecast freezing rain and icy roads today but, when I left for work there was only light rain and I thought, no problem. Listening to the news on the radio while driving talked about many accidents and the icy conditions in new Jersey. I gave myself an early start but it didn't matter because, before my eyes what started off as just wet roads became ice within minutes of leaving home. It was frightening. 

Every time the car stopped for a red light or stop sign, lightly pressing the gas to proceed results in spinning wheels and for those who weren't careful, skidding and possible loss of control of their car. I arrived to work safely but late because speeds were hugely reduced. The next obstacle was getting out of the car and walking into the building. Opening the car door and looking down, all I saw was a street of clear ice as far as the eye could see. Well I couldn't sit in the car until afternoon. Didn't break a leg or have an accident, and I'm thankful. Guess what? It will rain tomorrow and temperatures are expected in the 60's. I won't even mind the rain. Well the smell of spring is inside with primrose and paperwhites. 

Vinca. I thought I had killed them putting them under the shop lights too soon after germinating. Some did die, but what is left look healthy. The second tray is slower. Many have germinated but have not stuck their heads out of the soil and stood up. I took the top off after they germinated and put them back on the heat mat. I think they may benefit from the heat to help them finish emerging from the coir. A close watch on them will hopefully avoid other disasters. One can never tell with seedlings. They have a mind of their own.

Paperwhites. I bought the same variety as last year but these are half the size in height; wonder why?
Could it be that last winter they sat on the table in the living room where it is warm and this year they set in my cool kitchen window?  They were fuller last year also although there are the same number of bulbs and I planted and arranged the bulbs the same way. Before planting, the bulbs appeared to be about the same size as last year. Their home for now is the dining room table. Lets see if the warmth of the house changes their appearance? So far only one has bloomed.

                                                                        Weekend Reading

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