Monday, April 21, 2014

A Beautiful Day In the Yard

It's a beautiful day. A cool breeze, just enough warmth in the air and the sky is a vision of blue with no clouds. Going into the yard today was not planned but looking through the kitchen window made me curious to see what has broken ground and returned from last season and what hasn't. I also had not smelled the hyacinths. That was enough to get me out there. How can anyone not love hyacinths?

Last years tulips that I pulled because I planted them in the front of the flower beds and they had to be moved because last year they were so tall. Sometimes tulips don't bloom as well the second year. I put them here to be able to cut them to bring inside. Now that they are up I don't want to cut them. 

The first tulip that bloomed.

I believe these are some type of Lilly my mother gave me. I'm not sure until it blooms.
Last week the sedum was just small buds.
This rose bush has been here for years. Growing in the shade. I haven't been able to dig it up to move it. This year I will get some man power to dig it up for me.
My greatest surprise was to see 3 astible I planted last year return. They disappeared when the heat of July came last year. I didn't think they would come back.
It's amazing what can happen in one week. When I was in the yard last week the heuchera looked dead. All three are looking better.

Another heuchera. I really thought this one was dead.
I looked out the window one day and saw something in the planter with the pansies but I didn't plant anything else. I forgot that the bleeding heart, fern, and canna are also still planted here.
A closer look.
Fern fronds in the planter.
I bought this hosta when I didn't see any of the ones I planted last season come up. Today I saw some. I will wait until everything comes up and then See where I can plant it. I'm going to separate it because there are 4 hosta in the container and I will have more plants. I like the green and white ones to add some color to the shade areas under the Maple trees.
Winter sown seeds. I don't even know what it is now. I wrote the name of the seeds on tape and the ink faded. Real smart. Two of six containers came up. I think poor quality seed starting mix in the other 4 was the cause they they did not germinate. The soil medium was always dry and seeds need moisture to germinate. The other container not shown is foxglove. It I get one I will be happy. If I get two I might do a dance. That would be a sight to see.

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