Sunday, May 18, 2014

Out Front-Sunday

It's been cool yesterday and today. Cool enough outside for a light jacket and inside a warm fire. A good way to burn the last bit of wood from last fall. The warmth feels good. The temperature inside at night was cold enough to shut the bedroom window but no, I just consider it free air conditioning. My sore throat for the past couple of day told me other wise. There were 2 perennials to be planted out front. There's little space but I actually found 3 spots. Two for the perennials and 1 for some annual salvia.

Time to add sweet potato vine. The tag didn't say if it was Caroline or Marguerite. Since I plant them every year I should know by now. Butterflies or moths have been laying eggs already. Something has eaten two of my coleus seedling leaves completely off. I thought it was too early for that. While planting the impatiens for some color I didn't notice any worms or droppings yet but they are there or it could be a grasshopper? I still have caladium to plant in here, some more impatiens and a darker sweet potato vine. Everything will squeeze in. Last Summer the planter  didn't have much color from flowers and I enjoy the color and blooms. Foliage is nice too.

Still showing out as you can see. I dread their demise but will see them again in the fall.

The colors are beautiful.
The flower bed is surviving even without tulip blooms. I think this is one of the prettier years for the bed. I added the salvia which now gives me 2 perennial types. I have catmint but I don't know if it's in the same family.

She is a taller lambs ear than the other variety I have. Coreopsis starting to bloom. They are high maintenance and take time to deadhead and remove all of the stems that have bloomed. This has to be done if you want to be rewarded with more blooms.

The blue grandaflora thunbergia vine on the trellis has done nothing yet.

Poppy starting to bloom.

The shasta daisy sat on my porch for way too long. Hopefully it will perk.

Still haven't pulled the vinca. It certainly can take over.

I have 2 plants that I don't remember planting. I dug up a peony in the fall. One looks like a peony seedling and the other looks like the shasta daisy I planted in the fall an thought was dead. I'm excited to see what develops. 


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