Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Seedling Progress

Success with seeds has been mixed with no where near 100% or close to that rate of germination for any seeds maybe except for the Swallowtail geranium seeds that were slow to germinate. Outsideride geranium seeds have had a poor germination rate with only 4 seedlings germinating out of 12 sown. I dug up the other seeds and there seemed to be a problem with the seed. When I dug up the Swallowtail geranium seeds that were slow to germinate they looked viable and did germinate with moisture and moving seeds closer to the surface. The seeds from outside pride looked like they attempted to germinate but didn't do anything. I have 2 more packs to sow. I may sow some old black velvet geranium seeds that I ordered and lost until recently

My 2 coleus cuttings are doing well as are the 4 vinca that survived. The coleus seedlings did not have a good germination rate this year. This is unusual as they are easy seeds to grow. I'll sow more. I sowed thirty two vinca with only 13 surviving. The others dried up or fell over. I'm still pleased with the ones that made it because they were old seeds. You'll see the euphorbia. They've started to develop true leaves. Maybe tomorrow while out on a SNOW DAY, I'll transplant them and the geraniums that came up.

 Licorice plant is slow but actually growing. I keep it in a partially sealed zip lock bag to maintain moisture and they seem to like that. All the seeds did not germinate. Four African daisies are hanging on. Seven of 12 petunia seeds germinated and look good. Maybe I'll also transplant them tomorrow. The go-go yellow begonia are still surviving. I have about 6 seedlings but they are so tiny although they did actually grow some. They're too small and delicate to remove from the seed starting tray with humidity dome. 

I expected to have incredible results with Neptune's liquid fish fertilizer but not yet, only the smell. The smell isn't too bad if you use it right away. I made the mistake of leaving some in my watering container and letting it sit. Not a good idea.Tomorrow I'll make time to transplant seeds that need to be moved and sow others. I hope to sow:

1. Rudbeckia tiger eye hybrid (never sown this before)- Burpee
2. White ivy leaf geranium-Outsidepride
3. Impatines alegia la casa flavours hybrid strawberry-Burpee
4. Divine red white mix new guinea impatiens-Swallowtail Seeds
5.Impatiens peach butterfly (old seed)-Park Seed
6. Impatiens florific red-Park Seed
7. Pink dragon wing begonia- Park Seed
8. More coleus- 10 varities
9. Digitalis Purpurea Yellow (as I only have 1 seedling left)-Outsidepride
10. African daisies- (more, I only have 4 seedlings)-Summer Hill Seeds
11. Calibrachoa deep pink, deep blue, crave sunset- (crushed seeds that were to be pelleted)-Burpee
12. Petunia fancy dress, African sunset, can can picotte velvet, and aladdin white- seeds from 2014 from Burpee and Swallowtail Seeds.
13. Dichondra emerald fall- Swallowtail Seeds (last years seeds)

Lets see how many I can get planted.

Coleus, euphorbia, and vinca
Ousidepride Geraniums

Euphorbia again.

Closer look at petunias.
Licorice Plant
Closer view. they actually grew a little. I hope they make it. I really like them.
Lone digitalis (foxglove)
Go go yellow begonia. Can you see any?
Closer view of begonia.
Geranium again.
Vinca in tray that dies and never took off.
Other vinca in tray.
African daisies. I don't think they like the heat from the lights. I may try moving them to the window seal. Hope the lack of direct light doesn't kill them but they're not thriving.
Other coleus in tray.

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