Sunday, February 15, 2015

Seed Starting

What better day to start seeds. Bitter cold out with strong winds and snow last night. I don't know what the temperature is today but it must be in the single digits. Not snowed in. The snow is light, fluffy and pretty. Blowing through the air with every gust of wind. 

Jiffy seed starting mix.

Holes put in bottom of tray with hot screwdriver. This time I did something different. I didn't use the pellets but filled 2 trays with seed starting mix instead of using the pellets. I mixed the coleus seeds and calibrachoa seeds with sand before sowing since they were so small.
I planted two 5" pots of broccoli. This is old seed from 2012. Maybe not a good idea for my first time sowing my own vegetable seeds.
These are old seeds. They did real well the first year I planted them but I didn't take the tubers in during the winter and they died.
Planted all the coleus seeds left. Hopefully I will get a lot of seedlings. 

African daisies again. I hope these do better and make it to plant out size. They're yellow and salmon colored.
Did the calibrachoa 3 types but didn't get to the petunias.
I like pretty seed packs. They need to be soaked or nicked due to the seed coat. I'm not doing that today.
I didn't start these yet I'm going to soak them for a day or scarifying them also first before sowing on another day.
Put on the heat mat. I hope these seeds do better and I pay more attention to them.

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