Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Blooming In The Yard

These are new narcissus for the yard planted last fall. I had a big box but so far only 2 have formed blooms.

Every day the flower beds look different; The tulips and fritillaria  developed heads since I posted last weekend.
Fritillaria! I was shocked to see them because I read on the Internet that they don't bloom the first year planted. I love them. I'm so excited. Payed less than four dollars for each pack at Lowe's in Georgia last August What a deal.  Now I"ll be on the look out for the voodoo lily this summer. That's if squirrels didn't eat it.

The second patch of fritillaria.
My rose is really pretty. This may be the time to start adding something to prevent slugs from eating everything like they did last year.

Astible. If I do all the watering and mulching I promised myself I would this summer, maybe this will take off for me and I can really see how large it gets and the bloom that comes. There are 3 in this flower bed. Last summer when it got hot, hot, hot, they died back but returned this year.
Tulips. They're not red enough for me.

Fern Fronds. Wonder if it'll be monster sized like last year?
Dicentra (bleeding heart)

The vegetables get larger with each rain.
I put some dust on the broccoli to protect it from cabbage worms. So far so good, no holes but I won't get excited yet.

Peony got huge since Saturday. Said I would fertilize it for more blooms but I didn't.
Hosta are coming up. Last years tulips what remained only formed large leaves. I'll remove them from the soil this spring.
The sedum really grew fast.

My pot has cracked. Parsley
Chives finally growing some more.
Agapanthus has not done much since planting. Maybe it's waiting for consistent warmer weather. I hope it lives. They're beautiful.

I added that little bit of sedum last year. The shade has kept it from spreading every where.

Have to remove the old tulips.
Impatiens were actually already in the store and I bought some. They haven't died.

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