Friday, May 15, 2015

Perennials That Didn't Return

Last summer my flower bed out front was really pretty. I'd become accustomed to the selection of perennials. To my surprise many didn't come back this spring. Losses include an orange coreopsis and lambs ear my sister gave me several years ago, 3 cone flowers, and most of the ajuga that had been rapidly multiplying for years. This was also from my sister. She still has plenty so I can always get more but, maybe this is the time to try something else. The creme brulee coreopsis I purchased last summer also didn't come back.  There actually is a tiny patch of coreopsis but not the thriving patch it had been for several years. I see 2 tiny pieces of ajuga in bloom, hiding under the shrubs. The bed needed some color now that spring bulbs are done. I actually expected some alliums planted in the fall to me making an appearance around this time but maybe squirrels ate them. I love yellow coreopsis especially moon beam. Maybe I'll get some of that from my sister also. 

This gave me the excuse to go look at the flowers. I wanted a tall perennial in the spot where creme brulee was. I also wanted some type of ground cover to hang over the stone boarder to replace the orange coreopsis, ajuga, and lambs ear. I think I'll grow more lambs ear from seed. They're plenty in my seed box. If I start now maybe it can get established by fall and overwinter.So what did I pick? I fell in love with Gaura summer emotions not knowing it was in the butterfly bush family. That's okay. It stays pretty compact and not too tall. I couldn't leave without orange zinnias. Red ones would have been my choice but they only had orange. They're not the tall state fair ones but they are very heat tolerant and did well for me before till frost. Creeping Jenny went in the spot were the lambs ear was. I bought that last Saturday on a flower spree with my sister. Her plants combined with my plants and a lawn mower was ridiculous. The car had to be emptied first before a trip to the supermarket.

Violas in one sidewalk planter were replaced as the heat had already sapped their beauty. In their place I did a rush job substituting red impatiens, one ornamental sweet potato vine, one spider plant, and one coleus. Pansies in the other planter are still hanging in there. When they start to die I'll do that planter. I'll take pictures of the planter tomorrow. Four hours later I was tired. That was good for having worked today.

A bare root plant is in the empty spot. The lilies are doing well.

That's all that's left of the coreopsis.
I cleaned up some of the dead foliage. I'm going to try to separate a piece to move to another location.

The silver sedum doesn't look as full as it usually does. I hope this is not it's last year.

The newest perennial.
I moved this salvia to another part of the flower bed last spring. It seems to have reseeded and that's nice. A plant I didn't have to buy. I also dug up a peony and gave it to my cousin. There is a new peony seedling also, I don't know how but it there. It'll take years to grow full side.

I love heuchera. A small ajuga flowering almost hidden but I see it.

Not bad for a five dollar rose. I'm waiting for the first bloom.
In a state of indecision about what to plant in them this year. As usual geraniums made their way into one. I may remove the Impatient it's too needy and gets a little too much sun on the steps and is always wilted requiring water.
Not planted for summer yet.

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