Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fall Equinox

Visited Primex Garden Center today. They're located in Glenside just outside Wyncote on Glenside Road. If you go to Produce Junction on Easton road it up the street 2 lights and left on Glenside. It's wise if you go take little money because they're too many tempting items. Not exactly a place for a bargain. There was so much to see but I avoided most of it because I didn't want to purchase things I didn't come for. I came to see if they had a better selection of pansies. I looked outside, in the greenhouse, and finally the store. The pansies at primex were also leggy but many weren't elongated and I picked mine carefully. The varieties were beautiful. There was a nice selection of vegetables, different varieties of kale, lots of shrubs, perennials, annuals and a little of everything. I went inside  the store to look at the Dutch bulbs and check to see if there was a seed sale since 2015 is nearing it's end and 2016 seeds will be in stores after Christmas. I love Primex but I try to limit my visits there due to few bargains or sales. I like it for purchases that would cost too much in shipping cost to order on line. Instead I can purchase a large bag of Organic Mechanic Potting Soil or Pro Mix without the cost of shipping. Last week I put 2 bags of compost in my shopping cart on line and it was $45.00 's for shipping. Didn't make that purchase. It's better for me to look for a similar item in a store such as this. If you like small town feel, you'll love going to Glenside just for the ride.

Back Home and time to hang the corn outside and remember to wipe the mirror  when I do my chores this week. It's amazing what you see when you start taking pictures.
I'm going to peel that corn tomorrow and see what it looks like. I didn't think of that when I hung it up. We have raccoons in my neighborhood. Can you imagine squirrels or raccoons eating the corn? Didn't think of this when I bought it but if they do this will be the last year for it with the corn attached.

I'll show you what I got from Primex tomorrow. I tried to behave. Happy fall gardening.

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