Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday Out Front

I like to get up early on Saturday and do cleaning outside and sweep the side walk. It's that time when leaves greet you every day. They're falling from my Norway maple but the leaves haven't turned yet. I wonder why? Other trees have also lost their bright green coloration but I've seen any others turn yet either.
Lets see what going on out front. My grass isn't as pretty this fall. My trimming may be the cause. Every time it rain it sprawls open and block the path inside.
The asparagus fern, geraniums, and Rosemary did okay this summer. Not a lot of color but it was green all summer plus the huge holes dug by squirrels.

The bare root rose I bought in honor of my mother did bloom one red rose at the end of summer. Some type of disease is now on the leaves. Hopefully it'll come back healthy and grow more in the spring. I'll try to give it a little more tender loving care and some banana peels.
Will dead head the montauk daisies. This is one plant that 's hard to kill to me. Hopefully it'll do well in the same spot it was in years ago before I removed it.

It's still hanging on. Lets see what it'll do with the 40 degree temperatures predicted tonight.

My lambs ear was beaten up when the sidewalk was repaired. I'm excited to see lots of new seedlings for the first time. It should be beautiful next  spring.

The lavender is actually surviving. If only I knew earlier. Only spring will tell. The ajuga has completely moved itself to another location.
Haven't wanted to remove these yet. I hope some sweet potatoes are under the soil.
I wanted to remove the sweet potato vine today but I'll let it stay in a little longer. Normally pansies are here.

I love coral bells.
This is Veronica. It was at least a twelve inch plant when I planted it then it looked dead but sprouted back out so that's good news for me because the roots survived and it should return in the spring. Can't believe it has blooms on it at this time of year.

My Breck order arrived yesterday. Can't say I'm excited about their bulbs. I hope they perform better than they look. The tulips are small which means a small tulip. We shall see. I don't think I'll order tulips from them any more. My first spring catalogue. It'll be nice just to look at the flowers.
I bought those a while ago on sale. Boxwoods for the window boxes. I had one in my yard in the original nursery pot for 4 years I'm ashamed to say. I learned that they do well not planted in the ground so they may do well in the window boxes. Hopefully something I won't have to worry about.
Balloon flower. I have to find a place for it in a spot that gets some sun. I think they tolerate a little shade.
To be planted soon. Until then they'll enjoy the cool days and nights on the porch. I separated the paperwhites I bought at Homedepot because I saw some sprouts so I'll start them soon. It would be nice to time them in time for Thanksgiving.
On the porch. I have a lot of plants to  take inside, bulbs to plant, and then the porch will be empty till spring.
The roses smell wonderful.

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