Sunday, September 25, 2016

Harvest TIme

 Its  my favorite  time and I get to eat a variety of apples not available during the year and all things pumpkin. What happened to the pansies? Probably had something to do with the heat because they're not in garden centers yet. This time last year they were available. I'm waiting patiently.

Had a beautiful birthday. Hard to believe October is next week.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bulb Time

It was hard to imagine Autumn approaching while basking in the heat and humidity all summer. Heat wave after heat wave, drought, and the withered garden. On Sunday a welcome surprise arrived. The first bulb order although they arrived at big box stores 2 weeks ago. I'll need to keep them cool until time to plant and may ask for a mini dorm sized refrigerator for my birthday this week.  When my daughter graduated from college we gave her refrigerator away. I regret this but too late. Blooms in the winter are always welcome and I'd like to enjoy something other than amaryllis and paperwhites. Although I love them too, tulips, and the sweet smell of hyacinths would brighten up my winter. Now that I'm writing this, I remember thinking, I have a sun porch and bulb forcing containers could be put there and lightly covered in darkness till time to bring inside for blooms. Birthday money can be spent on something else. I checked the bulbs and they're healthy except 2 allium. The Spanish bluebells aren't as firm as I'd like although not moldy or soft. Maybe I'll call Breck's tomorrow during my lunch break about them. What did I order? Big impact allium mixture, Apple blossom tulip mixture, Spanish bluebells, discovery dutch iris, Victoria's secret tulip, Angelique tulip, and prince tulip mixture. These are for outdoors and maybe some others with another order. I'll get paperwhites, amaryllis, and other bulbs for forcing indoors this winter soon before they sell out. 
So what am I doing for my birthday? Not sure yet but dinner out with family, cake, and just enjoying the day are planned. I have a gift card I've been saving for dinner and plan to use it this week. Trying to make healthier choices so I checked the nutrition facts for the menu at the restaurant in advance. It's sad what's added to food that's not needed. The amount of sodium added to supposedly enhance flavor is frightening. Why would a basic green salad have 500 Mg's of salt? Maybe I'll bring my own dressing. It only takes a little for me. What happened to just whole food without preservatives, flavor enhancer, and the combination of salt, sugar, and fat to make people want more?  I've been attending Weight Watchers and have lost almost 30 pounds May-July. Now I'm struggling and trying to continue making some progress. Pray for me.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Last Week's Walk In The Neighborhood

Much hoped for cooler days and beautiful nights were the perfect conditions for a walk in the neighborhood earlier last week. Zinnias, sunflowers, honeysuckle, sweet autumn clematis, and other beautiful blooms greeted me in the yards of neighbors along the way as I walked. The heat has returned and thus my walks postponed, at least until falls approach can be felt with crisp cooler air. Trees know the summer is coming to an end as acorns have started falling to the ground and tree leaves start to drop. It comforts me and makes me smile to think of no air conditioning, putting the garden to bed, gardening indoors, and resting from summer gardening chores.
Laying on the side walk just for me. A keepsake from my walk.
Acorns have started to fall. Squirrels better get every one to store up for winter before they all get crushed under foot.
The neighborhood post office. Prepare for a long wait when you go in.
Okay, lets go look at the zinnias.

They're beautiful.

Neighborhood Garden

That jungle of plants are tomatoes. It was a bright day and my picture taking not so good. Look at that collard plant by the gate. Can't imagine it was planted there on purpose. Probably self seeded.

Kind of hot for lettuce although it's time to start fall lettuce. 
Look at the corn. The cobs look full. Hopefuly raccoons don't eat it first. They will know when it's ready.

There are several groups of fig trees. I didn't see any figs on this group.

Raspberries or blackberries I'm not sure. They were loaded but the berries don't look like they fully developed.

I get herbs and other products for Maplewood Nutrition.

My favorite pizza in the neighborhood made fresh.
They have good jerk chicken.
The back of the library, my destination. Should have called first because it doesn't open till noon.

Neighborhood message board.

Lots of figs.


Chickens at Grunblethorpe.

