Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Merry Christmas

My Christmas was beautiful spending time with family. Hope your's was also. Today was a beautiful 64 degrees and a day to be outdoors. Bulb planting day for me. The last before spring at least outdoors. Inside, spring abounds.
Started Christmas Eve placing flowers on our parents resting place.

Now to make more arrangements for the table, bathroom, and my bedroom. Hyacinths brought inside. Most in the kitchen window and some others in the living room. 

Set the table. Dinner in the oven keeping warm.


We love paella and my brother fixes it for us every Christmas.

Chelsey my brother's dog always comes. She's getting old I think around 16.

Second flower stalk on amaryllis starting to open and possibly a seed pod again this year. I'll see what happens.

My paperwhites suddenly started to root when I moved them to another spot out of the way for Christmas. So I learned to follow directions and place them in a spot with  less light while they root since this seems to have triggered all of the ones to finally root except one that immediately rooted months ago. It's tall. No vodka or gin added to shorten the growth and it has two blooms which I haven't noticed in other paperwhites. I'm waiting for it to bloom and smell the aroma.

Beautiful today.

Bulbs planted and grass seeds put down. What? My sister said you know you don't plant grass seeds in winter. Okay but I put them down. Lets see if I get more grass this spring.

Callie and I sat on the porch enjoying the spring like weather.

All the bulbs planted except a small amount to force.

Time to start some seeds.

Bulbs left to force including tulips, crocus, narcissus, paperwhites, and amaryllis.

Still reading and enjoying this book and his blog.

Soon to be replaced by seedlings.

Bromelid pups planted about a week ago, not root yet when checked today.

Sat outside on the porch till the sun started going down and temperatures started to drop. Time for a fire, hot bath, and some reading and television watching. 

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