Sunday, April 23, 2017

Planting Day

If I could have only one flower it probably would be white daisies whether mum, gerbera, African, or the unlimited number of beautiful plants. The weather is beautiful day, not too cool or warm, and a beautiful blue sky. Birds singing and last night and this morning my daughter and I heard an owl. I've heard it before but thought I was imagining it. It's definitely an owl. This morning I looked on the National Audubon Society web site and listened to sounds of birds of North America and think I found our owl. Based on what I heard it may be the Eastern screech owl. It's supposed to be small the size of a robin. It would be nice to spot it in the trees. Last night it sounded to be in my tree out front, and this morning in larger trees in the yard. There could be more than one. It's nice to live in the city and still be able to enjoy nature.
Lilies for containers and to go in the ground out back.

The small section of painting left will have to wait. A whole week of painting caused my sciatica to flair up. I made it to work last week though but next week will be a challenge. The emergency room may be an option. My daughter will tell the doctor it's my fault because I'm always doing something. That's what she did last time. You know I have to garden and do my home repairs but I'll have to make some changes in how I do things. I had a whole week off. Had to do something. Have you ever had sciatica? There is no pain like nerve pain even childbirth. You definitely don't want it. Today is planting day and hopefully I get to pot up my tomato and pepper seedlings, and start on summer bulbs especially the lilies that already sprouted. I can sit and do this, no lifting.

Hosta for the yard. They're a lot in one container so I'll separate them, and some vinca.

My primrose is still living even with temperatures heating up. It smells wonderful.

My work area for the day. Yet to be started, new cushions for the porch.

While transplanting tomatoes on the porch I saw soil flying out front. Transplanted another broom plant into my sidewalk container and took back the dying grass. Squirrels came digging not fooled by something freshly planted. I keep my cayenne pepper handy and so far during the winter and spring they haven't been digging as much as usual. Although they still ate some bulbs. Some for me to enjoy, and some for them.

My patio tomatoes did well and are nice and sturdy although fungus gnats killed other seedlings. No support needs hopefully since they only grow 12-18 inches tall. They'll stay on the porch until I have room for them out back. One will stay on the porch and hopefully make it all summer and overwinter indoor for tomatoes during the winter.

I line the bottom of pots with paper towel so soil doesn't drain out. This works for me. Today I decided to cut it into circles so it fits perfectly in the bottom. After lugging pea grave to cover the top of the soil it dawned on me to cover the top with landscape fabric that I already have and insert plants through the top. I've seen fabric used by those who do raised beds and garden in rows for some seedlings. It warms up the soil and also protects against some insects. Plants can still be watered and drain through the fabric.

These paper towels were meant for me.

Eat dessert. They surely thought of me!

Tomatoes can be transplanted deeper  than I'm planting them up to the leaves. It supposedly helps them to be more anchored by root development on the stems. They're patio tomatoes, I think determinate and they should be okay.

Would require too many pebbles and I don't think they sell horticultural grit in the United States. Probably could get some on line but smaller pea gravel will do. Bet they can't lay eggs in that.

I tried vermiculite to cover seedlings in the hope that fungus gnats didn't like it but the type that was available wasn't course enough. Then sand. That didn't work. I saw gnats. So the idea of the weed block came to mind.

Ribbon was easier.

I have too many peppers. They'll have to wait till another day to be covered so they went into a plastic bag with a little ventilation until I get to cover them. Time to soak in a hot tub so I can make it to work tomorrow. Happy gardening.

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