Thursday, September 7, 2017

Almost That Time

Autumn is in the air. Our weather has been beautiful with a tease of an early fall. No pictures of my gardening attempts in August. Why you ask? The gardener was very sick and had a hospital stay. Didn't know If I'd be returning to work, ever. But, the body can be resilient, thank God! It's a humbling experience to realize that you could die without warning.The garden was not a priority, but many plants survived although not the pretty display I hoped for this year. The first tomatoes set at the end of August after many days of cooler temperatures. I've only viewed them from my window and haven't set foot in the yard in about a month. I had lots of hot peppers in July. Hopefully raccoons and squirrels don't like hot peppers and they're still on the plants when I venture out to the yard this weekend. A big enough harvest to make pepper sauce would be nice. 

The soil in the yard is dry although we've had lots of rain. Seeds from Norway Maples cover the ground and will soon be followed by falling leaves. I've noticed that acorns started to fall weeks ago from pine trees in the neighborhood and the leaves on many other trees have started to faintly change colors. Leaves have been falling but probably due to a hot summer. Fall bulbs should be arriving in the mail soon. My amaryllis are over due for placing in the dark till November but I stopped watering them weeks ago.  If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know Autumn is my favorite season and the time of my birth. As it  approaches, I feel blessed to continue this journey in life with family, friends, and the beauty of nature, blooming where I'm planted. At least for now. 

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