Yes, another wintry event in progress. |
It's freezing this morning on the porch. |
Frozen but can't kill mums or pansies. They'll perk up on a warm day. |
Yes, another wintry event in progress. |
It's freezing this morning on the porch. |
Frozen but can't kill mums or pansies. They'll perk up on a warm day. |
These seeds are from Swallowtail Garden Seeds. |
Will use some old seeds from 2013 and 2015. Hopefully they're still viable. |
After dropping my 2018 viola seeds on the floor I used old seeds. Lets see how they do. |
Didn't use seed starting trays but have to wash these 12 and many more. |
Took a fluted coffee filter and put it in a cup of water to wet and layed it on a flat surface to sow the seeds. |
As you can see the pansy seeds are large and I've seen even larger ones. These are smaller pansy seeds compared to some others. |
Put in plastic bag to maintain moisture. I'll check them daily to make sure they don't dry out and water as needed, and check for germination. |
Think these are the violas although the picture makes them look larger they're tiny. |
Put inside a plastic container and covered with foil before putting in the refrigerator to provide the darkness recommended for germination. |
I dropped them all on the floor. Couldn't identify them if I wanted to. What a loss. |
Hope to sow these tomorrow and place in the refrigerator in a bag along with the delphinium below which also needs stratification. |
That's blackberry Lily a good sized seed. |
And delphinium. Want to start geraniums and echinacea next. When ever that is. |
Time for a fire. |
I usually use fat wood to start the fire. |
Unfortunately I still have bulbs to plant in containers. It's a cold day to be sitting on the porch but tomorrow won't be any warmer but I think I'll get them into containers then. |
Kolanche's are still doing well with below freezing temperatures. Thought they were in the succulent family and would have frozen and died by now. |
The weather hasn't bothered the miniature rose plants but I did over water one day and almost lost them. |
Plant abuse. I need to take this inside and put her in the dark so she can hopefully bloom for me. It was beautiful in bloom last winter when I bought it from Home Depot. |
Although the mums are still green the blooms are not happy with the temperatures. |
Maybe the hydrangea will survive another season. |
No the porch has not been organized. It's a jungle. Pumpkins still doing well in the cold. Future meals for the squirrels and raccoons when I put them outside. |
The house plants. Dad's pothos. I have to take better care of it. |
Poor care of the poinsettia. This is the second time it's dried out, but hasn't lost a berry or leaf yet. I watered it after I took this picture and it's looking better already. |
Although it's winter mom's plant can probably benefit from some Osmocote fertilizer. It's a bit pale colored. |
ZZ plant sits on the window seal next to the air conditioner and hasn't seemed to mind being here. When I moved it to a brighter warmer location it said no, put me back or I'll die. And I did. |
Will try another type chard this season other than the bright lights variety. Burpee seeds has changed the look of it's seed packs. |
Marilyn is still showing out. I know yours are beautiful also. |
Pelargonium Martha Washington is only dormant. I have to remind myself of this and not throw her out. |
Okay, couldn't wait. Looks ready to me although I don't see the bloom yet. Maybe too soon. Lets see what happens after a few days. I'm ready for hyacinths. |
Hyacinths in the basement. |
My sweet potato vine cutting is till surviving. Afraid to put it in soil. Better leave it along since it's living. |
Paper whites. |
Johnny's, Burpee, and Gurneys seed catalogue's arrived yesterday. It's good weather to sit inside and look at them. |
What are your doing? They told me Christmas was over. That's what happens when you sit still and let my daughter put it on your head. |
After that. I need to rest. Happy gardening. |