Thursday, December 28, 2017

Winter Gardening

Temperature his afternoon on the porch. This morning when I got in the car the thermostat said 15. Up to
21 when I finished my errands 4 hours later. I think that's our high for today. Had to bundle up today with my heavier coat, hat, and should have worn boots but I didn't. Our weather has been variable since October and the frosty weather feels good to me. 
 Went out today the first time since Christmas day to see what after Christmas decorations and lights were on sale. Never did I think that seed packs would be in the store. Surprise! They sure don't wast any time. I'm sure Walmart has Valentines candy already on the shelves.

Time for a fire.

I usually use fat wood to start the fire.

Unfortunately I still have bulbs to plant in containers. It's a cold day to be sitting on the porch but tomorrow won't be any warmer but I think I'll get them into containers then.

Kolanche's are still doing well with below freezing temperatures. Thought they were in the succulent family and would have frozen and died by now.

The weather hasn't bothered the miniature rose plants but I did over water one day and almost lost them.

Plant abuse. I need to take this inside and put her in the dark so she can hopefully bloom for me. It was beautiful in bloom last winter when I bought it from Home Depot.

Although the mums are still green the blooms are not happy with the temperatures.

Maybe the hydrangea will survive another season.

Beautiful scented narcissus from last spring brought out of the basement. Made a mistake and cut off the old foliage and cut off some new growth. I think it'll still make it. I saved it because it was beautiful and the scent wonderful. After it blooms this spring I"ll change the soil after it dies down and put it back in the basement for another year. Maybe it'll go in the yard and multiply.

No the porch has not been organized. It's a jungle. Pumpkins still doing well in the cold. Future meals for the squirrels and raccoons when I put them outside.

The house plants. Dad's pothos. I have to take better care of it. 

Thought it was spider mites but I think it's dust. Needs to be wiped down and sprayed just in case. Hasn't stopped growing. Dracena really does well in my house. One of few. Maybe one day it'll be a tree. I'm being hopeful. It's nice to buy a tiny plant and see it grow to many times it's size and know you grew it not bought it that way.

Poor care of the poinsettia. This is the second time it's dried out, but hasn't lost a berry or leaf yet. I watered it after I took this picture and it's looking better already.

Although it's winter mom's plant can probably benefit from some Osmocote fertilizer. It's a bit pale colored.

Poor plant. It's a miniature. Could use more soil and care and maybe it'll grow. Came from the Philadelphia Flower Show last year. Almost time for the show again. Looking forward to it. Two more months. I enjoyed the offered classes and hope to attend more this year.
ZZ plant sits on the window seal next to the  air conditioner and hasn't seemed to mind being here. When I moved it to a brighter warmer location it said no, put me back or I'll die. And I did.

Got into the seeds at the store today. Bought more foxgloves to start. I've been reading more about sowing them and I think this time I won't put them on the heat mat. It may be too warm according to what I've read. Maybe I'll have better germination rates and viability. Cardinal climber vine is pretty and I've grown it once from seeds. This should be pretty out front on a small trellis. Don't know why I'm trying snapdragons again. The last time I sowed some indoor the whole packet germinated and I had hundreds of tiny seedlings and no patience. I threw them in the trash. Did you say, why did your do that? Impatiens are easy to start. Three packs should be enough.

Will try another type chard this season other than the bright lights variety. Burpee seeds has changed the look of it's seed packs.

Marilyn is still showing out. I know yours are beautiful also.

Pothos purchased in the fall for the kitchen. It lost most of the huge leaves when it came to my house although it's still living. It was 3 time this size. Hopefully it'll fill out more when the days start to get longer.

Why buy more if you're killing what's not easy to kill? When the weather gets cold what else is there to do. After Christmas sale. Big box stores know gardeners may buy more house plants in the winter and they always have sales. Couldn't resit 2 different types of pothos. I've had a neon one before but didn't take care of it. I'll do better this time. I promise.

Pelargonium Martha Washington is only dormant. I have to remind myself of this and not throw her out.

Okay, couldn't wait. Looks ready to me although I don't see the bloom yet. Maybe too soon. Lets see what happens after a few days. I'm ready for hyacinths.

Hyacinths in the basement.

My sweet potato vine cutting is till surviving. Afraid to put it in soil. Better leave it along since it's living.

Paper whites.

Johnny's, Burpee, and Gurneys  seed catalogue's arrived yesterday. It's good weather to sit inside and look at them.

What are your doing? They told me Christmas was over. That's what happens when you sit still and let my daughter put it on your head.

After that. I need to rest. Happy gardening.

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