Saturday, March 24, 2018


Finally able to do some spring planting. Everything was beautiful at the nursery this morning. Blooms and more blooms. Healthy vegetable starts, herbs, perennials, shrubs, and trees packed the hoop house. I kept my focus on the pansies and violas although why not take a look at everything.

Today was beautiful and crisp. Most of the snow has melted except piles on areas like outside my house and mounds made in lots cleared for shoppers to park. 

After removing the solid piece of snow now ice and the pine cones I can do my first planting of the season. The container was freshened up with potting soil.

Threw the tag away, sorry. They're ruffled of course. I think Razzle Dazzle or Fizzle Sizzle . The selection at Primex was beautiful but I went right to these although I ogled them all.

Tulips and narcissus to add to the container. I'll keep the hyacinth on the porch to enjoy the scent although I know early pollinators would love to visit it in the flower box.

They have frost bite.

On the porch.

Have to tidy up a little and mop the floor.

Yes I did buy broccoli starts. Yes I have one seedling that'll take until June! Until then, I should have broccoli in a few weeks. The lettuce starts were enticing but I didn't do it. I'll wait for mine. They even had trout lettuce one of the types I started.

My sister bought this for my tree outside. So today, on my 10 foot ladder I attempted to hang it. No luck. It'll do better nailed to the tree. Another day, but I'm going to get a larger one from the nursery. Never really thought of hanging a nesting box for the birds. Now I'm hooked. Can't wait to hang one and see if  a bird will use it.

Still showing off.

I've never had an azalea but the lady in pink wooed me.

For the living room.

My roses from the flower show  dried so pretty I kept them. I have another bunch at work. I'll save them for a wreath.

Hope you had a beautiful Saturday. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Say It Ain't So!

The saintpaulias whispered to each other as they bloomed in their finest adoring the window seal. I thought it was spring. But she was out in the yard on Sunday. A squirrel sat on the fence and ate a bulb this morning. Never underestimate Mother Nature. Wasn't yesterday the first day of spring?

Glad I  put wood ash from the fireplace around my peony before it snowed. 

Mean while in the house. Had to transplant some of my larger seedlings into larger containers. All in different stages of growth. Foxgloves.

Some are still tiny. I pulled out the ones that weren't going to make it from containers.

Looks dead but I'll water them and see if they perk up.

One begonia. Oh well. Couldn't kill it though.

The worst looking seedlings I've ever had, but don't think they'll look like this when they can get outside and in the ground.

Have to transplant those coleus but they needed to be watered first. They were wilted so I'll do them another day. The dark ones are chocolate mint, some of my favorite.

Two peppers up and 2 emerging, and only one broccoli so far.

Hopefully I can transplant these on the weekend.

Three sage seedlings and trout lettuce.

And to think these were the sad looking seedlings that I was going to throw out. They continue to grow. I'll separate them soon.

All of the vegetables have germinated excet flat and curly leaf parsley.

Different looking ivy leaf geraniums. They must be the summer shower ones.


Five petunias.

Had to throw out a few vinca they got diseased. Hope it doesn't spread to everything.

Smaller foxgloves the second sowing and snapdragons to the right. Don't know what will happen with them. In the fall I'll buy pelleted snapdragon seeds. They have to be easier.

Vegetables will go on the bottom shelf and the plants will be moved to another place in the house.