Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Flower Show

Only a few pictures this year from the show. My goal. Take less pictures, enjoy the plants, flowers, and get some creative ideas for containers. This years theme, Wonders of Water. You can still see the show at the Convention Center until march 11th. Actually I saw only a small portion of the show on purpose. My knees dictated what I would and would not see. My favorite as with last year, the Gardener's Studio with a demonstration on floral design. This was the first year I only bought fresh cut roses, no seeds, or house plants. But there's always my second day next week. I've learned wisdom and have to avoid impulse buys of plants that will not do well in the conditions in my house. Or should I say, my poor care of them. Wanted another orchid from the grower I purchased one from last year but they were picked over and I didn't see anything unusual that I'd want to pay 40 dollars for. Of the plants I bought last year from the show an orchid, tall bamboo, and a miniature plant survived and are doing fairly well. The orchid has not bloomed again yet. Hopefully soon.

The entrance to the show was an exhibition of a tropical rain forest. Pictures don't do it justice. Walking threw it with all the beautiful lush foliage plants, flowers, and sounds can only be experienced only in person.

I wish attempts at these types of things wouldn't be done. It reminds me of the attempted volcano with the theme of National Parks.

I could see myself rocking here.

Ship wreck. There were actually two boats but couldn't get a full picture because of the crowd.

This is my reminder to take care of my coleus seedlings. I've grown both of these types of Kong coleus before.

I like the smaller ones but they aren't available in seeds yet so they would have to be propagated from cuttings.

Took this picture of my sister of this plant. She has one and I want her to see how large this one is.

I like the square container.

Took this picture of the raised container as something I can do but buy the time I pay for the price of the wood I can just as well buy a raised container.

Idea for basil.

Never thought of putting orchids in glass terrarium containers. That would be a problem with the moss for me because I normally let mine soak in water then let the water drain from the container.

This is the last display I looked at on the way out. I love trains. My brother had a huge display in our basement when we were growing up with houses, trees, animals and similar structures.

Maybe I can see some of the winners of ribbons next week and my favorites house plants that people grow at home.

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