Saturday, May 4, 2019


Couldn't leave the store without them. Woodland phlox smells wonderful. I think I need 2 more. We've had showers off and on today but I did have a chance to get some things planted including starting on the window boxes. The phlox will wait to be planted next week since it's supposed to start raining tonight and all day tomorrow. I don't mind. That give sme more time to enjoy their fragrance and not loose all the beautiful blooms from rain beating them off.

Hydrangea, parsley, thyme, and bougainvillea.

Impatiens for the shade window box. Dahlia tubers in the container planted last weekend.
Lettuce, kale, and Swiss chard.

Begonias that should have been started in March.

Finished and watered.

More hosta for the window box. They did well last season and returned.

Sungold tomato has blooms. Do I need to help pollinate it with a toothbrush?

Almost forgot the gloriole lilies purchased from the flower show in March. Nice information on the bag.

They look ready.

One of my favorites.

Clouds, rain, beautiful sky then cloudy again. At least I was able to enjoy a little gardening outside. My tree isn't dead from the severe pruning. So glad to see it start to sprout out. The birds are missing the canopy. Soon it'll return.

Lets see how the annuals do. I added some coleus seedlings after hardened off. How am I going to be able to squeeze dragon wing begonia seedlings in there? Hopefully it's not rainy like last summer impatiens and vinca rotted. This is the first year adding fern which should return next season. Something that doesn't have to be replaced.

Lets put something up there.

Shade window box.

Coming home to a plant delivery is always exciting.

They're nice and healthy from Logee's.

Didn't enjoy the price. They better trail and look beautiful like they're supposed to. Pelargoniums are easy to grow from seed but I don't think the seeds of this type are sold. I've grown the ivy ones but I think these are a little different. We shall see.

My perennials returned from last season, yeah. Something does well in the window box in the sun. Geraniums added. Lets see if they trail and carry on like they're supposed to. Maybe by August.

I removed tulips from my small flower bed. Haven't done this before but will let the leave brown and remove. Then place the bulbs in the cellar until fall and I'll plant them again. Don't think they'll survive the critters during the summer in the ground.

Narcissus from store brought pots. When I get time I'll plant them in the ground. don't have to worry about them getting eaten.

Never thought of planting in the plot with the tree and ivy until now.

Allium and some pointing work to be done this summer. Houses always need repairs. Why that one spot.

Pulled most of the orange tulips and hope zinnias are successful in this spot. If I start them soon.

This is what happens in the city. One small flower bed out front and many things squeezed in.

Last fall I planted a white and purple aster one in this spot, but the leaves didn't look like the same. Reminds me of a weed.

Last years foxglove seedling is preparing to bloom, yeah. Can't wait to see them. The blooms look yellow. I don't remember what color seeds I started.

Salvia, pansies, and lilies.

Another foxglove that's had a baby.

The last of the tulips.

What am I going to do with the periwinkle? It's not even mine. Spread from my neighbor and took over. I'm going to pull up everything in this spot maybe and replant everything except the periwinkle.

Petunias for sidewalk planters and impatiens for the yard. The yard is not looking good. Another day.

That's a start. It should look better soon. Getting some vinca for trailing from my sister's yard.

Planted a new heuchera.

Jennie is loving the spring weather and taken over.

May have to move her.

Going to replant them in one container with a small trellis for them to climb. Till next time. Enjoy the beauty of the season.

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