Sunday, July 21, 2019

Heat Wave

As the northeast continues the wave of heat with another 99 degree day and who knows what the heat index is with the humidity. The perennials are thriving even in the heat with little rain or watering by hand. And I'm thrilled. It must be true that natives have adapted to the environment in which they've thrived in for centuries. In the spring they sulked if not watered but as the months progressed they adapted to the heat without hand watering not even wilting. Some have powdery mildew but continue to bloom. Probably caused by my not being careful to water from the bottom every time. Did you ever think why they don't seem to get this condition from rain water which falls on the whole plant?Some tiny sunflowers have started to bloom. Maybe next year I can plant them in a spot were they won't be shaded out by other perennials and they'll reach their full height. In the yard, sad. No hand watering this season and hosta and coral bells have dried up. For some reason impatiens took longer to bloom between faded blooms. Maybe the extreme heat this summer. Next summer in June I'll start watering them with the hose or sprinkler at least a deep watering once a week and hand watering as needed. This seems to be the only way to enjoy the garden I look forward to but haven't seen in a few years. Perennials die back and hibernate early until spring if they don't receive the water they need. Most of my week was spent indoors in the air. We did go see a movie then back inside.

When I think of summer blooms, I think of sunflowers.

Lots of yellows from echinacea, lantana, black eyed Susan's, sunflowers, and coreopsis.

A few of the zinnia seeds I sowed are starting to form heads. 

I wonder if the gloriosa lilly will make a viable seed in this pod? If you can see it.

Lilies done until next summer. They'll gather energy till frost.

Dead headed balloon flowers. Bees love them.

One of 2 sidewalk planters. Tulips will be planted in them again in the fall. I ordered some bulbs from Colorblends a few months ago and will continue to search the catalogues still coming for anything else I'd like.

Beautiful but will sulk in the hot sun if not watered every day.

Sweet potato vine is growing better in the shade. The one in the planter is tiny.

They're so large and tall I don't deadhead all the blooms because the pollinators enjoy them.

Calendula was fussy since planted. Liked frequent watering and after it adapted it got mildew. Don't think I'll plant this again. When I see a deeply discounted perennial at the nursery I'll get some to replace them. They're annuals and won't return anyway unless they dropped seeds.

It's a colorful summer with little care only deadheading. Purchased fresh sweet cherries and corn from the farmers market this week. The peaches were over ripe so I'll go back next week and see if they have some firm ones. As always enjoying watermelon and plums. Hope you're enjoying your summer garden.

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